Standing with each other against a culture of self-interest and greed, Sessions 2020 will focus on the ways that Disciples Men make a difference. The quadrennial gathering of men will be this summer, July 10-12, at Texas Christian University.
“We started planning the day after Sessions 2016,” said Ron Petrick, moderator elect and lead planner for the event. “We nailed down the topics three years ago. I think we have some subjects that men specifically will be interested in. All our efforts are rooted in the idea that this is what we as Christians should be doing – helping others.”
Since many Disciples Men’s groups are involved with disaster recovery, Rev. Caroline Hamilton-Arnold of Week of Compassion will be sharing background and information about those efforts. Rev. Paul Koch of the Mid-America region will explore male spirituality in his workshop. A representative of Wounded Warrior Project care will be there and Director Greg Alexander and Associate Director Alex Ruth will be presenting a new curriculum – The Jesus Way – written especially for local churches. Discussion groups will be formed to help build connections.
In addition, there will be keynote presentations and Bible studies led by well-known Disciples. Rev. Dr. Rick Lowery, president of the Disciples of Christ Historical Society, will be featured as well as Dr. Warren Carter, New Testament scholar at Phillips Theological Seminary. Border issues will be the subject of Brite Divinity School’s Dr. Santiago Pinon’s Saturday session.
“I’m just dedicated to Disciples Men,” Petrick said. “I like talking about things other than my job in real estate and I just love being with the guys. This has been a way to use my gifts for planning and administration.”