On this episode of Imagine with Me, Rev. Terri Hord Owens speaks with Joselyn Spence Director of the National Benevolent Association’s Mental Health and Wellness Initiative about clergy mental health and resources for congregations.
“When I think about the ministry of Jesus and Jesus being a Healer, not only did he heal people, but he also made people aware of what they could do within their healing. Whether that was your faith has made you well. Take up your mat and walk. You know, I think about the people who witnessed that, I think about the people who were there, who helped people to get to their healing, the friends who brought their friend to the roof. But to also think about who else in the community was helping them get to the top of the roof. And so when we think about our work together as a church and mental health and wellness and how we support one another, it’s pausing to see ourselves in these narratives and to think through what is it that I can do today?” – Joselyn Spence