The last six weeks or so have been full of connections associated with the holiday season. But the connections we share across the expressions of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) don’t stop there.
Annually, congregations are asked to reaffirm their connection with the general and regional expressions via the Year Book and Directory data gathering process. Not only do these reports help us stay in touch, but they are also a statement of the covenant that binds us, one to another. Your congregation’s report will appear in the tables alongside the reports of the general ministries in the 2020 Year Book & Directory – a visible sign of our shared work.
New this year is an opportunity to both provide regional and general ministries with additional information but also to take part in the Faith Communities Today 2020 Census project. These supplemental questions will yield valuable insights into congregational life. The results will only be shared in aggregate form, so your congregation will not be directly identified.
Here are some key dates and resources you will want to know about if you will be involved with the reporting.
- January 2 – March 15: online form is open and instructions posted. (PDF files of the paper version may be downloaded in English, Korean, Spanish, and French.)
- January 6-10: watch for PIN postcard
- January 1-31: Gather information listed
- February 1-March 14: enter info online (or mail the completed paper form) Once information is gathered, filling out the form should take 15-20 minutes. – Instructional video | Toolkit