ALEX is the database of congregations currently and historically affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. ALEX contains participation and stewardship data for these congregations since the calendar year 2000.
ALEX is also the web-based application used to access and maintain information in the database. A user account is required to log into the application and access the ALEX database.
Congregation Directory
In the printed Yearbook and Directory of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the Statistical Report of Congregations served as the official list of affiliated congregations. The Congregation Directory in ALEX now serves that purpose. It provides the authoritative list of the 2,900 congregations currently in covenant relationship with the Disciples.
Historical Data
The ALEX database contains historical Yearbook data since 2000 for congregations. ALEX subscribers are able to view and download historical data from the application. The available statistics include congregational participation, congregational stewardship, and Disciples Mission Fund giving.
ALEX subscriptions provide additional reporting. For example, subscribers can review the ranking reports and two-year comparison reports that appeared in the printed Yearbook. Subscribers can also download historical Yearbook statistics for any congregations that can be used for personal research and analysis.
Data Warehouse
Within the ALEX application, congregations and regions can maintain data about congregations, such as location and contact data. Congregations also enter their annual Yearbook statistics through the application. Congregation and Yearbook data are native to ALEX.
However, ALEX also presents information from other databases. ALEX receives minister information from the minister database at Disciples Home Missions (DHM). It also receives data for giving to Disciples Mission Fund and other offerings from the database at Treasury Services.
Minister and giving data are not native to ALEX. That is, a congregation or region cannot update this information from within the ALEX application. This data has to updated in its native location at DHM or Treasury Services. ALEX retrieves and stores this data–it “warehouses” the data–for presentation and reporting.
With ALEX, congregations, regions, and general ministries have access to data that can inform the ways we serve from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth.