The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) embraces three racial/ethnic general ministries that provide resources to congregations within the United States and Canada.
Central Pastoral Office for Hispanic Ministries
The Central Pastoral Office for Hispanic Ministries (Obra Hispana) helps facilitate, enable, promote, undergird and coordinate the work of Hispanic Ministries for the general church. Rev. Lori Tapia is the national pastor.
Phone: 317.713.2584
Web Site:
National Convocation
National Convocation is a ministry within the structure of the Disciples to support and strengthen African American congregations’ partnership in the total mission of the church. The primary focus of the Convocation is vital congregational life. Rev. Yvonne Gilmore is interim associate general minister and administrative secretary of the National Convocation.
Phone: 317.713.2406
Web Site:
North American Pacific/Asian Disciples
North American Pacific/Asian Disciples (NAPAD) ministries serve the growing American Asian and Pacific Islands’ church. NAPAD affirms cultures and heritages of Asian and Pacific Islands peoples within the historic and living Christian faith. As part of the Disciples, NAPAD joins with other Disciples in the total mission of the church and recognizes and promotes the gifts and presence of North American Pacific/Asian Disciples in the life and work of the Church. Rev. Chung Seong Kim is executive pastor for NAPAD ministries.
Phone: 317.713.2685 or 317.713.2681
Web Site: