The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Alabama-Northwest Florida is seeking to call its next Regional Minister to lead and guide the region as a regional church. A diverse group of fifty-three congregations in Alabama, the Florida panhandle, and Meridian, Mississippi, the region is seeking an ordained minister within our denomination who values diversity, inclusion, and a commitment to finding ways to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in this day and time.
The search committee is looking for someone who feels called to regional ministry and who will be responsive to congregations and their clergy, helping both in their quest to be faithful, healthy, and vibrant in these challenging times. They look forward to calling a leader who values the covenant we share as the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)—general, regional, and congregational—and who is committed to excellence in ministry and a willingness to use their gifts and abilities in light of God’s grace.
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Alabama-Northwest Florida is a vibrant community of faith that celebrates diversity and congregational unity. One-third of our congregations are historically African American, and our new church growth has focused on planting churches in areas with growing Hispanic populations. In addition, we celebrate one of our congregations in formation, Pacific Islander Agape, a Chuukese Disciple Congregation, as our first NAPAD community.
To learn more about the application process please visit: