The Regional Board of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Capital Area has called Rev. Dr. Marcus L. Leathers to serve as the next Regional Minister. The historic decision was made with a unanimous vote of the Board during a called meeting on August 13, 2023. Rev. Leathers is the first African American called to serve as Capital Area Regional Minister and will begin his ministry on September 15, 2023.
Dr. Leathers is no stranger to the Capital Area Region where he has served in pastoral leadership for over 20 years. Rev. Leathers serves as a Core Organizer/Trainer with the Anti-racism/Pro-reconciliation Initiative and has served in other capacities across the region such Director, Camp and Conference, the Board for the Disciples Center for Public Witness, and the Commission for Ministry.
Dr. Leathers completed a Master of Divinity from Lexington Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry from Wesley Theological Seminary. He is married to Tammi Coleman Leathers. They have been blessed with three children Coleman (deceased), Madison, and Maxwell.
The Search Committee is grateful for all the prayers, feedback, and support from those in the Region. The 18-month search process included anti-racism and bias training, consultation from independent evaluators and Regional Ministry Search partners, feedback from within the Region, and an unwavering commitment to follow God’s leading every step of the way. Members of the Regional Search Committee included: Mike Cline, Tonya Farren, Hugh Howard (deceased), Beth Hindsley, Rev. Tim Bobbitt, Rev. Delancy Catlett, Rev. Dr. Carol Green- Freeman, and Rev. Terri McLellan.