The past year was full of incredible examples our Church showing up in the world, loving our neighbors, working for justice, and sharing the gospel. This good work is made possible by your congregation’s gifts to Disciples Mission Fund (DMF).
In 2019, Disciples responded to the refugee crisis around the world through partnerships fostered through Global Ministries. Green Chalice encouraged congregations addressing climate change through support from Disciples Home Missions. Young adults in the XPLOR program of National Benevolent Association spent time learning about career opportunities in areas of care and service.
Disciples also continued to support and sustain education last year. Your congregation may love your students in a variety of ways, through prayer, school supply drives, and local partnerships. Through DMF, you also support Disciples students’ educational journeys through our affiliated colleges and seminaries and the scholarships and leadership development offered by Higher Education and Leadership Ministries (HELM).
Our Church worked to share the Good News in our communities by launching new congregations with the help of our regional ministries and New Church Ministry. Because of your gifts, new church planters are supported with the resources they need to succeed and grow their ministries.
Because your congregation provides ongoing core support to Disciples Mission Fund, and generous gifts to our Special Day Offerings, our regional and general ministries can serve together to be a movement for wholeness. A summary of each congregation’s 2019 giving will be mailed with this message in January 2020 (Find a Word version to use in your congregation’s bulletin or newsletter here). You are encouraged to review this information with your church leadership, celebrate what you’ve done, and commit to increasing your support of DMF in 2020.
Participating in Disciples Mission Fund is one of the most important expressions of our covenant with one another. When your congregation supports our wider Church through these ministries, you join Disciples across the world to be and share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Thank you for sharing your gifts.