Dates: July 7-12, 2017
Location: Indianapolis Indiana
Theme: “One” based on John 17: 20-21a
adopted | GA-1717 | RESOLUTION TO CELEBRATE AND REAFFIRM OUR COMMITMENT TO THE VISION OF PLANTING 1,000 NEW CONGREGATIONS BY 2020 In this resolution, submitted by Hope Partnership for Missional Transformation, the partners celebrate the initiative that counts 975 plants and affiliates with greater than 60 percent still bearing Christ’s witness 5 years past their inception. Operational, Policy and Organizational, 12 minutes |
adopted | GA-1718 | CONCERNING AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE MERGER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE NATIONAL CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY CONVENTION WITH THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCHES (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) As part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Merger Agreement, the National Convocation brings this resolution to the assembly to request that colleges, seminaries, regions and the General Board of the Christian Church include education about the merger between the National Christian Missionary Convention and the International Convention of the Christian Churches through the book “Journey Toward Wholeness” by Brenda Cardwell and William K. Fox, Jr. Operational, Policy and Organizational, 12 minutes |
adopted | GA-1719 | A CALL FOR THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) TO ADVOCATE FOR THE RIGHTS OF CHILDREN LIVING UNDER ISRAELI MILITARY OCCUPATION The Division of Overseas Ministries brings this resolution to the General Assembly to encourage the Church to learn about conditions in Palestine and the State of Israel and advocate for the rights of children, encourage United States governmental bodies to examine the practices of military allies and ratify the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and that the General Minister and President communicate this call to specific governmental leaders. Sense-of-the-Assembly, 24 minutes |
adopted | GA-1720 | AFFIRMATION OF OUR COMMITMENT TO RESPONSIBLE INVESTING The boards of three financial ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) – the Christian Church Foundation, Disciples Church Extension Fund, and the Pension Fund of the Christian Church – affirm their commitment to engage with the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility and to bring an educational program to the 2019 General Assembly. Operational, Policy and Organizational, 12 minutes |
adopted | GA-1721 | A RENEWED COMMITMENT TO RECONCILIATION MINISTRY Six congregations from Missouri, Ohio and Oklahoma bring this resolution to the General Assembly to encourage the Church to renew its commitment to being a pro-reconciling/anti-racist church as laid out in a resolution from the 2007 General Assembly and to support Reconciliation Ministry in its work. Sense-of-the-Assembly, 12 minutes |
adopted | GA-1722 | REPUDIATION OF THE CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE OF DISCOVERY: A CALL TO EDUCATION AND ACTION AND SUPPORT FOR INDIGENOUS VOICES IN THE WITNESS OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) The submitters of this resolution urge the Church to examine the ways the Christian Doctrine of Discovery has shaped our understandings and to find ways to incorporate the indigenous voice into the life of all three expressions of the Church as well as educational institutions affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Sense-of-the-Assembly, 24 minutes |
adopted | GA-1723 | ON BECOMING IMMIGRANT WELCOMING CONGREGATIONS Disciples ministries including the Central Pastoral Office for Hispanic Ministries, Refugee and Immigration Ministries of Disciples Home Missions, Disciples Women, Disciples Immigration Legal Counsel, North American Pacific/Asian Disciples, National Benevolent Association, National Convocation and Iglesia Alas de Salvacion (AZ) and Iglesia Christiana Emanuel (TX) are calling on congregations to consider becoming “immigrant welcoming congregations” by engaging in prayer and action around issues of immigration, providing supportive resources and programs to their local immigrant communities and building bridges between congregations that are majority immigrant and majority non-immigrant. Sense-of-the-Assembly, 24 minutes |
adopted | GA-1724 | RESOLUTION CONCERNING CARBON NEUTRALITY In this resolution submitted by Christmount National Camp and Conference Center, Green Chalice of Disciples Home Missions and the Kentucky region, Week of Compassion, Disciples Volunteering and the General Youth Council of Disciples Home Missions and supported by Global Ministries/Division of Overseas Ministries, the Church is asked to consider a program of worship, study, repentance, advocacy and rest aimed at reducing our carbon output. Sense-of-the-Assembly, 12 minutes |
adopted | GA-1725 | RECOGNITION OF THE REGION OF CANADA AS A TRADITIONALLY UNDERREPRESENTED CULTURAL COMMUNITY The Region of Canada and Sugarbush Christian Church of Guelph, ON, submit a resolution calling on the Church to fully support inclusion of the congregations in Canada in materials, participation and governance and to become more aware of Canadian culture. Operational, Policy and Organizational, 12 minutes |
adopted | GA-1726 | PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE DESIGN OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST): CLARITY ON THE ROLE OF RACIAL AND ETHNIC MINISTRIES IN THE DESIGN The General Board of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) submits this item from its Governance Committee to the General Assembly. Please see the full text online for details of revised language for Paragraph 69 of The Design. Operational, Policy and Organizational, 12 minutes |
adopted | GA-1727 | PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE DESIGN OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST): RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE RACIST LANGUAGE AUDIT TASK FORCE The General Board of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) submits this item from its Governance Committee to the General Assembly. Please see the full text online for details of revised paragraphs 12, 25, 31, 38, 41, 48, 51, 79 and 80 of The Design. Operational, Policy and Organizational, 12 minutes |
adopted | GA-1728 | PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE DESIGN OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST): REMOVAL OF CONGREGATIONS FROM THE YEARBOOK AND DIRECTORY FOR CAUSE OR INACTIVITY The General Board of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) submits this item from its Governance Committee to the General Assembly. Please see the full text online for details of revised Paragraph 9 and Endnote 1 of The Design. Operational, Policy and Organizational, 12 minutes |
adopted | GA-1729 | REPORT OF THE TIME AND PLACE COMMITTEE The General Board forwards the recommendation that the 2019 General Assembly be held in Des Moines, IA on July 20-24, 2019. Operational, Policy and Organizational, 12 minutes |
no action required | GA-1730 | REPORT FROM THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE OF THE GENERAL BOARD The General Assembly Committee of the General Board has a two-fold responsibility. First – it is the General Board committee responsible for recommending the location for future General Assemblies. Secondly, it follows up on approved or referred resolutions which contained actionable items from the previous General Assembly and report back to the current General Assembly. No action required, 12 minutes |
no action required | GA-1731 | SOCIAL WITNESS TASK FORCE PROGRESS REPORT The task force, which has been examining a process for discussion of and education about important religious, ethical and social issues, offers a progress report based on their two years of study. A draft of a process is included in the report online and in the docket. No action required, 12 minutes |
issued | GA-1732 | STEWARDSHIP AS A SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN THE 21ST CENTURY At the 2015 General Assembly, the Center for Faith and Giving was authorized to write a study document on stewardship as a spiritual discipline. The resulting study document is being put forward for issuance to the Church by the 2017 General Assembly. Included are biblical reflections, chapters on care for the earth and ourselves, generosity and transformation. The Church is invited to enter into a season of study and consider recommendations in the document. Issued for study, 12 minutes |
adopted | GA-1733 | CHANGE IN REGIONAL BOUNDARIES: SOUTHWEST AND KANSAS First Christian Church in Liberal, KS, and the Southwest and Kansas regions request that First Christian be included in the Kansas region. Operational, Policy and Organizational, 12 minutes |
adopted | GA-1734 | ELECTION OF THE GENERAL MINISTER AND PRESIDENT The General Board of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) forwards the name of Teresa Hord Owens to be elected as General Minister and President for a term of 6 years. Operational, Policy and Organizational, 12 minutes. Please note: voting will be by paper ballot. |
adopted | GA-1735 | GENERAL NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT FOR OFFICERS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY The slate of officers nominated include first vice moderator, second vice-moderator and moderator-elect. Their terms are for the 2017-2019 biennium. In addition, a number of other positions are included. Operational, Policy and Organizational, 12 minutes. |
no action required | GA-1736 | REPORT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY FUTURING TASK FORCE The Administrative Committee created a task force to examine the future of the General Assembly event. The team reviewed existing survey information and determined several recommended actions for organizers of the event. No action required, 12 minutes |
adopted | GA-1739 | CONCERNING EXECUTIVE ORDER 13780 (Emergency resolution) Regarding a recent Executive Order by U.S. President Donald Trump having to do with immigration. |
adopted | GA-1740 | CONCERNING SUPPORT FOR THE “NEW POOR PEOPLE’S CAMPAIGN: NATIONAL CALL FOR A MORAL REVIVAL” (Emergency resolution) This resolution encourages all expressions of the church to support the New Poor People’s Campaign: National Call for a Moral Revival in 2018. |