By Rev. Carol Devine, Green Chalice
This week, the fourth of six, Disciples in over 30 state Capitals and Washington D.C. marched, rallied and participated in direction action to bring attention to the issues around healthcare and the environment. I joined in the efforts in Kentucky on behalf of Green Chalice.
Rev. Dr. William Barber, II, Disciples minister and national voice of this movement led and inspired over 400 Kentuckians on the Capitol steps in Frankfort, KY with his passionate cries on behalf of “the least of these” our brothers and sisters.
Kentucky Disciples from all over the state prayed with their voices and feet in song, chants and marching. After speaking and preaching passionately with a Bible in his hand, Rev. Barber led the crowd, lined up two-by-two, to the public entrance of the Capitol building. The people were silent as Barber requested entry into “the people’s house,” but entrance was denied. After questioning the legality of keeping the people out, Barber asked the crowd to kneel and Rev. Megan Huston of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Bowling Green, KY, led us in prayer. The people were stopped this time, but Barber promised the Commonwealth of Kentucky will be hearing from the campaign’s legal team. After leading the singing of “Somebody’s Hurting my Brother,” Barber encouraged the crowd to keep coming back and never give up.
Saint Francis of Assisi said, “Preach the Gospel, use words when necessary.” As a pastor, I mostly use words through preaching, teaching and writing to share the gospel. To get out and preach the Gospel with my whole body alongside 400 other people of faith felt invigorating and freeing. When Rabbi Abraham Heschel returned from marching with Martin Luther King, Jr. in Selma, he was asked by someone, ‘Did you find much time to pray?’ Rabbi Heschel responded, ‘I prayed with my feet.’ Won’t you please join this movement and cry out for justice for the least of these by praying with your feet and sharing the Gospel with your body?
For more stories and resources from the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival, click here.