How do we take a snapshot of our denomination? Where can we find some history on our congregation? How many Disciples congregations are there in my area? What do our general ministries do?
These questions and more are answered in the annual Year Book and Directory.
The Year Book serves numerous administrative functions, compiling General Board reports and General Assembly resolutions, and serving as the official record of congregations receiving 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status through the Internal Revenue Service.
The data collected during the Year Book reporting process is invaluable for regional and general ministries.
Regions benefit from Year Book data, using the information provided to analyze regional health and vitality. “Transparency in information sharing is one sign of a healthy organization,” says Rev. Greg Alexander, regional minister in Kentucky and president of the College of Regional Ministers. “The Year Book and Directory is a resource, when used in full transparency, that helps us have a clearer picture of how and where to focus our best energies in strengthening the whole church. It is the honest look at who and where we are that we need to give ourselves to be more effective witnesses to the Gospel.”
General ministries use Year Book data to update their own records and mailing lists of Disciples congregations. Being listed in the Year Book is also a prerequisite for a congregation to participate in many general ministries’ programs.
To have their information included in the annual Year Book, congregations must submit a report by March 15. The report can be submitted online, or by emailing or mailing a paper copy of the report to the Year Book office.
Congregational statistics published in the Year Book include financial information, membership data, and giving records. The Year Book also includes a Ministers Directory of all clergy ordained and commissioned by the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
The annual Year Book is available for purchase and is prepared and delivered each summer. Physical and digital copies of the 2019 Year Book are available for pre-order now, and copies of the 2018 Year Book are still available.
Andrew Pate
Can you provide me with pin # for First Christian Church (DOC) Rockdale Texas I think it has been a while since we’ve submitted info/data for Yearbook. I’ve been pastor of this church since May of 2016.
Andy Pate
Cherilyn Williams
For anyone who needs to look up a PIN number …. you can look in a past edition of the Year Book (PINs don’t change) or you can look it up online on the Disciples Mission Fund website under Resources.
And thanks for reaching out! We look forward to hearing from you.