“So I would say to anyone, the covenant will really cement the life of that congregation. So when pastors come and pastors go, the congregation knows we are Disciples of Christ, and it’s a wonderful church to be part of.” – Rev. Dr. William “Bill” Lee
Rev. Terri Hord Owens talks with Rev. Dr. William “Bill” Lee, the retired longtime pastor of Loudon Avenue Christian Church, about how covenant shapes our identity as Disciples.
Find out more
- Virtual Gathering August 7
- Covenant small group study
- Ronald Osborn’s The Faith We Affirm
- The Design of the Christian Church
- Pension Fund
- Christian Church Foundation
- Disciples Home Missions
- National Benevolent Association (NBA)
- Higher Education and Leadership Ministries
- Special Day Offerings
- Reconciliation Ministry
- Light of the World Christian Church
- Merger Agreement
As members of the Christian Church,
We confess that Jesus is the Christ,
the Son of the living God,
and proclaim him Lord and Savior of the world.
In Christ’s name and by his grace
we accept our mission of witness
and service to all people.
We rejoice in God,
maker of heaven and earth,
and in God’s covenant of love
which binds us to God and to one another.
Through baptism into Christ
we enter into newness of life
and are made one with the whole people of God.
In the communion of the Holy Spirit
we are joined together in discipleship
and in obedience to Christ.
At the Table of the Lord
we celebrate with thanksgiving
the saving acts and presence of Christ.
Within the universal church
we receive the gift of ministry
and the light of scripture.
In the bonds of Christian faith
we yield ourselves to God
that we may serve the One
whose kingdom has no end.
Blessing, glory, and honor
be to God forever. Amen.