Lake Institute is seeking to better understand the unique ways that the COVID-19 crisis is impacting congregations. We invite you to participate in a survey asking for info about your congregation, its finances, and responses to the COVID-19 crisis.
How are congregations faring today? Lake Institute has a survey in the field to learn how the COVID-19 is impacting congregations. Your participation is critical in order to help other congregations address pressing financial questions.
Building on their congregational survey in 2019, @LakeInstitute now seeks to understand how COVID-19 is impacting congregations. Through your participation in this survey, we can find new ways to resource and support US congregations.
Last year, Lake Institute on Faith & Giving published the results of their 2018 National Study of Congregations’ Economic Practices (NSCEP), the most comprehensive, nationally representative study of congregational finances in several decades. They shared these findings alongside clergy, laity, and denominational leaders in order to continue to understand the trends and best practices for congregations on questions of generosity, budgeting, and finances.
Now Lake Institute seeks to better understand the unique ways that the COVID-19 crisis is impacting congregations. You are invited to participate in a survey linked below that should take approximately 15 minutes to complete asking for information about your congregation, its finances, and responses to the COVID-19 crisis.
Your participation is critical in order to help other congregations address these pressing financial questions. Of course, your congregation’s information will be protected and to ensure privacy, nothing will be shared that identifies specific characteristics of your congregation.
Lake Institute will be glad to share whatever they learn back with you in the coming days so that we might continue to build our community of practice around these questions of congregational finances.
The survey is live now and can be accessed through July 31st.
You can use this link:
Embedded here: