The general ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) are working together to support congregations through the upheaval caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Are U.S. churches eligible for assistance through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act recently signed into law?
The financial ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) have prepared summaries of key components of the CARES ACT. You can access these documents here.
There are two loan programs included in the CARES Act for which churches may be eligible. The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) authorizes mostly forgivable loans to assist with payroll expenses. The Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) are available to organizations who have suffered economic loss as a result of COVID-19.
You can find FAQs about these loans for faith based organizations here.
Disciples Church Extension Fund is offering a service to assist congregations and other Disciples ministries in applying for a PPP loan. The service will help Disciples ministries to gather the required information and complete the application form, at no cost to the congregation. Learn more and request assistance here.
Congregations of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) who are listed in the Yearbook are covered under the denomination’s 501(c)3 non-profit status. Requests for 501(c)3 documentation can be sent to [email protected].
Can the denomination provide any support for congregations who have been financially impacted by COVID-19?
There are a variety of ways congregations can access financial support:
Disciples Church Extension Fund has automatically provided a two-month deferral of loan payments for Disciples churches in April and May 2020. Learn more here.
National Benevolent Association is providing grant funding to eligible Disciples-related health and social service ministries. Funds can be used for providing essential needs during the pandemic, new projects in response to COVID-19, or operational expenses to provide continuity of care. Read more and find out how to apply here.
Many regional ministries are providing some funding for churches in their regions to enhance their technical capabilities. Congregations should contact their regional office for more information.
Is there any financial support for pastors?
The Pension Fund of the Christian Church offers emergency aid for unforeseen medical expenses for pastors through ministerial relief, and offers a disaster relief grant (in partnership with Week of Compassion) for pastors who have been infected with COVID-19 and whose congregations can’t continue to pay them. For more information, contact Matt Rosine at [email protected] or call 866-495-7322.
In addition, Pension Fund provides financial coaching through Your Money Line and Pension Fund dues can be deferred for up to 6 months without members becoming inactive and losing benefits.
What about the offering?
Not meeting in person doesn’t mean people can’t give. The Center for Faith and Giving offers these FAQs about electronic giving, particularly for churches just getting started, as well as these best practices for stewardship in a time of crisis.
What other ministry resources are available?
General Minister and President Terri Hord Owens is live on Facebook offering prayers for the church and the world each Wednesday at noon EST.
Ideas and resources for worshiping virtually can be found here, including tips for livestreaming, music licensing, prayers, and more.
Disciples Home Missions has provided a number of resources for ministry with children, youth, and families.
More links, tools, ideas, and resources can be found here.
An online Easter service will be provided with General Minister and President Terri Hord Owens delivering the message. It will be posted on the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) YouTube channel Sunday, April 12. The Easter offering can be supported with an online gift.