We’ve compiled a list of key resources from our ministries to help provide guidance, advocacy, and support for Disciples congregations, members, and communities amidst recent policy changes and transitions.
Messages from our General Minister and President
January 20th Speech
Rev. Terri Hord Owens, General Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), joined ecumenical leaders and fellow Disciples at Healing Cathedral Christian Church in Memphis, TN, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The Interfaith Gathering and Moral Mass Meeting, titled “For Such a Time as This,” united participants in powerful worship, prophetic listening, and calls to action. Click here to hear Rev. Owen’s inspiring speech.
Luke 4: Being the Church we say we are
Rev. Terri Hord Owens, General Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), reflects on Luke 4 where Jesus was called to speak good news to the poor, to work for liberty for the captive, to give sight to the blind, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. She encourages the church, in the power of the Spirit, to listen prophetically, to speak firmly and courageously for peace, justice, and mercy, and to pray steadfastly together. View the video.
Week of Compassion
Resources are available to help churches and communities support their immigrant and refugee neighbors with compassion and care. These tools provide guidance, advocacy, and practical assistance amid changing policies.
Obra Hispana
Rev. Lori Tapia, National Pastor of Obra Hispana, has pinned a letter in response to Executive Actions on Immigration by the Trump Administration. Tapia states, “Each of us has a role to play in this historic moment. Rejecting these actions is not just a matter of civil rights but also a matter of faithfulness to the Gospel.”
Justice and Advocacy Ministries
Justice and Advocacy Ministries empowers Disciples to use our voices and our actions to promote greater justice and mercy in the world. Disciples Home Missions seeks to bring a coordinated approach to influencing the church’s work for justice with a focus on three key areas: 1) Refugee and Immigration Ministries; 2) Racial Justice; 3) Environmental Justice. Click here for an Executive Orders Resource List.
These resources appeared in the January 29th issue of Disciples Justice Ministries. Subscribe today to receive the newsletter.
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