Associate General Minister
Administrative Secretary to the National Convocation
For almost 16 years, Rev. Dr. Timothy James has been an associate general minister and the administrative secretary for the National Convocation. By his retirement date of Dec. 31, 2020, he will have had more than 17 years in the position.
“I have had such a wonderful time serving over these years. I am deeply honored to have served with the first woman General Minister and President, Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins and the first African American General Minister and President, Rev. Terri Hord Owens. A lot of changes have occurred and I am confident, more are still to come.”
James has been associate general minister in partnership with three general minister and presidents, beginning with Rev. Dr. Chris Hobgood in 2003, followed by Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins and Rev. Teresa (Terri) Hord Owens.
During his tenure as administrative secretary, he has overseen eight biennial sessions of the National Convocation and is deep into planning his ninth, “It’s Real: 2020 Experience,” in conjunction with the North American Pacific/Asian Disciples and the Central Pastoral Office for Hispanic Ministries. This joint meeting of the three communities is a first for Disciples.
“I have so appreciated working with Dr. James these past two years,” said General Minister and President Hord Owens. “He was so welcoming when I arrived on the scene two years ago. His collegial attitude and easy-going ways will be missed in the Office of General Minister and President. This next year of transition is an exciting time in the 100+ year history of the African-American community of Disciples.”
“Dr. James is a good friend and colleague,” said Rev. Dr. Donald K. Gillett II, current president of the National Convocation’s board. “We are going to miss his deep spiritual gifts as well as his ready laugh.”
The board of the National Convocation will be opening a search process this fall with the hope of having a successor to introduce at the July 2020 Biennial Session in Fort Worth. Application processes will be outlined and posted on both the and websites. When the application window opens, notification will be provided via Selah, Disciples News Service, and Disciples Together e-letters as well as National Convocation and Disciples of Christ Facebook pages.