From the Florida Regional Church
At the Jan. 27 meeting of the Leadership Council of the Florida Disciples Regional Church, the Rev. Dr. Betsy Goehrig was extended a call to serve as the Region’s next Regional Minister, beginning Feb. 1, 2018. Search Committee Chair David Walton said of her nomination, “Ours was an exhaustive nationwide search which, in the end, brought us to one closest to home. Dr. Goehrig’s passion for our region and her vision for its future made her a natural choice. We could not be more pleased with her calling to be our next Regional Minister.”
Pastor Betsy brings a great love for the Florida Region and its rich diversity of people. For the past year, she has served as Florida’s Interim Regional Minister. She has previous regional experience, having served as Associate Regional Minister of the Christian Church in Florida. She previously served in a tri-vocational ministry in Tallahassee—as Pastor/Planter of Blessings Church, Preacher for Westminster Retirement Village, and Chaplain for Big Bend Hospice. She has served as Senior Minister of churches in Tampa, Florida; Port St. Lucie, Florida; and Richmond, Kentucky. She was a Director/Chaplain for a community bereavement program in four counties and a volunteer Police Chaplain for 15 years. Pastor Betsy served as a Trustee for 10 years on the Board of Lexington Theological Seminary, from which she received her M. Div. She earned a D. Min. from Columbia Theological Seminary.
Pastor Betsy is a lifelong member of Disciples of Christ. Her calling into Christian ministry came at the age 15 while attending church camp. Her parents, Paul and Geneva Jones faithfully brought her to worship, Sunday school, and youth group at the First Christian Church of Frankfort, Kentucky, where she experienced the love of Christ among the people of God, who were instrumental in her faith development. Her family includes her husband, Kevin, and their four daughters: Christy, Brittany, Jamielee, and Kerri. They have three grandchildren—Elizabeth (8), Charlotte (6), and Joey (3)—with a fourth grandbaby on the way in March.