From the Upper Midwest region
The Upper Midwest region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is happy to announce the call of Rev. Joshua J. Patty as our new Regional Minister and President. Thursday, July 23, 2020, the Regional Operations Council met in a joint in-person and on-line meeting with the Regional Search Team and Rev. Patty. The Operations Council voted unanimously to call Rev. Patty to the position.
Rev. Patty comes to the Upper Midwest from his current position serving as Senior Minister at Eastgate Christian Church in Independence, Missouri and as Chair of the Kansas City Region’s Ordination and Standing Commission. He is a graduate of the University of Chicago Divinity School and brings with him experience in small, medium, and multi-racial congregations. Josh is in the process of becoming an Anti-Racism/Pro-Reconciliation Trainer, which is one of his many passions in ministry. He is excited about what has been happening over the past decade in the Upper Midwest and looks forward to being a part of discerning our vision for the future.
Rev. Joshua Patty will be relocating to the Upper Midwest with his wife, Rev. Sara Patty, and their two active boys, ages 3 and 1. He will begin duties October 1, 2020.
Barb Jones
This is WONDERFUL news!
Thanks be to God!
Mary O'Riley
Praise God for the diligent work of the search committee and for Rev. Patty saying “yes” to God’s call.
George Risinger
Welcome to the Upper Midwest Region!! Looking forward to a long association in serving Christ in this region.
Diana Davis
Job well done Council. Thank you for your hard work . God has given us a new leader. May we pray for a safe and happy transition.
Margi Colerick
Congratulations, Josh! You’ll be a wonderful Regional Minister. They will be blessed to have you.
Sharon Cantrell
Oh Josh
This is wonderful news both for them and you and Sara. Blessings as you prepare to move but we will miss your talents here.
Brian Morse
Outstanding! This is a perfect fit.
Janet Weiblen
Congratulations, Josh. It has been a pleasure working with you on Ordination and Standing in the Greater KC Region. We will miss your incredible leadership here but know that those who will be welcoming you will be blessed.