The Covenant Project process began in 2019 under the direction of the Governance Committee. Bill Jennison, an active member of the committee shared, “We determined we needed a renewed emphasis on covenant as an organizing principle for our church.” This led to a series of rich conversations which will continue over the next year leading up to the 2023 General Assembly.
In the fall of 2020, The Governance Committee presented to the Administrative Committee a framework of possible changes to The Design. Those changes were also reviewed by groups of church leaders including the General Cabinet and the College of Regional Ministers. In April 2021, a refined framework was presented to the General Board for review and comment.
One year later, at the 2022 General Board meeting, the Governance Committee again presented a further refined framework and proposed changes for the Board to engage in discernment, dialogue and prayer.
In the summer of 2022, clergy, congregations and leadership across the church will be invited to attend a series of digital and in person town hall-style listening sessions. We encourage you to attend. You may see a full schedule of opportunities here.
This will provide an opportunity for the Governance Committee and the General Board to receive feedback from church leadership across the church and revise the proposal prior to the 2023 General Assembly in Louisville, Kentucky. It also offers the church an opportunity to learn more about the potential changes and processes prior to voting at General Assembly.