originally posted on the Facebook page of Rev. Terri Hord Owens on May 26, 2020
I want a church that loves so courageously that we will stand up and insist that the killing of black and brown people must stop, and will work to remove those in office who fail to enact laws and policy accordingly.
I want a church that loves so radically that we are always putting up chairs to make room for more, always leaving empty chairs at the table, expecting that many more will come, turning no one away.
I want a church that loves so generously that our priority will be the elimination of poverty, to ensure that everyone has enough to eat, safe and decent housing, healthcare, a living wage and quality education that is not based on your zip code.
I want a church that loves so creatively that we are willing to dismantle structures, traditions, and processes that dishonor humanity and marginalize any among us.
I want a church that loves so completely that we are not satisfied until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.
I want a church that follows Jesus, and is therefore committed to work for all of this. Let’s get to work, church!
Rev. Kay Peacock
Thank you Rev. Owens for those powerful and inspiring words. Thank you for your leadership during this difficult time.
Rev. Dr. Joan McGregor
God bless, and thank you for the encouragement. We can change this very broken system if we apply ourselves. I want to live in a world that values all of it’s members, no matter the color or the gender or any other point of division. We are all God’s children. Our family is black & white and there is no lack of love for all of us.
Hi EVERYONE, Thanks for sharing this story because GOD call us to LOVE one another, and keep his on WORK on Earth by sharing the good news of his son Jesus CHRIST, who is the LIGHTS and Bread for our world. THEREFORE, please believe and trust in the work of GOD. Please remember to keep the FAITH, LOVE Joy and peace ALONG with the power in his hand. Thanks for sharing this information. MAY GOD BLESS you all in AMERICA and in Canada and around the world FAMILY and FRIENDS. Thanks Friday THOMAS LOVE and HOPE ALONG with FAITH and peace. Please keep safe doing this Covid 19 Season.