First Vice Moderator Stephanie Kendell offers this prayer of grief for the cancelling of the 2021 General Assembly.
Gracious and ever creating God
We come to you today with hearts full of grief
We have longed to gather in-person
and in your name
but our care for your people is too great
and the risk is too high
So, we come to you O God
our rock and our redeemer
for comfort and guidance
O Dios, plant our feet firmly in next steps
For our churches
For each other
And for your world
May we never forget that in each of us
You started something new
New dreams, new hopes, new sources of connection
And nothing will end or separate us
from You or that good work
O Holy I am, Yo Soy
We are, because you are
We are known by our words, actions, faith, and love
In times that are easy
And in times that are challenging
We are Your people
Your disciples
O Lord as we grieve the loss of General Assembly
Continue the good work within us
Remind us that we can do hard things
For Others
For ourselves
For You
Bring us new resources for building community
Inspire new sources of giving
May we come together -even when apartto
be the font of every blessing
that we need, and that you desire for us
O God who creates anew each day
Remind us that we will hug again
laugh again
gather again
For what we grieve is not a place, but a people
O Lord who journeys with us and for us
we know nothing can ever separate us from you
and for that we are eternally grateful
We pray all of this in the name of Christ Jesus
Amén y Amen
Rebecca Molina
Thank you!