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“For the Lord your God…executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the sojourner, giving him food and clothing. Love the sojourner therefore; for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt.” (Deuteronomy 10:17-19)
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” (Matthew 19:14)
Dear Church,
Our sacred scriptures are filled with stories of uprooted peoples and prophets in movement, with constant presence and direction from God. We are inspired by the leading of our Lord who liberated the Israelites, comforted the community as they faced exile and later repatriation, and guided Jesus’ family to safety as they fled persecution under Herod. We therefore are ready to live out our call to demonstrate radical hospitality and welcome today’s immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers who are likewise searching for protection from persecution.
Our hearts grieve the deaths of children on the U.S.-Mexico border and in detention facilities while in U.S. custody which are at odds with our call to welcome. We urge the release of immigrant children and adults held captive within our land in detention holding centers reported in recent weeks by the Office of Inspector General to have “issues of dangerous overcrowding” and sub-standard hygiene requiring “corrective action…critical to the immediate health and safety needs of detainees.” We are appalled by the “prolonged detention of children and adults,” despite regulations aimed to ensure children are housed only in sanitary conditions, are released without unnecessary delay, and would be placed in the least restrictive conditions.
We remember how Jesus announced his ministry “to preach good news to the poor… proclaim release to the captives and…set at liberty those who are oppressed” (Luke 4:18). We reaffirm our previous commitments against family separations and efforts to end child detention, and we again demand these practices that are keeping children detained in dozens of facilities be ended. Together with the Oklahoma Conference of Churches, we speak out against the housing of immigrant children at Fort Sill Army post where Japanese Americans were interned during World War II, and “cannot stand silent as this history is repeated with innocent children who will, no doubt, incur trauma and life-altering consequences.”
Because we believe that love can transcend every cultural divide, we join with ecumenical and interfaith partners to urge all persons seeking asylum be granted full due process and opportunities to pursue protections as guaranteed by national and international laws. We confess US foreign policies have contributed to exploitation of Central American countries and created root conditions that encourage persons to migrate.
As people of faith, we are eager to “not neglect to show hospitality to strangers” (Hebrews 13:2) and to strengthen our efforts to become “Immigrant Welcoming Congregations.” Therefore, we urge our government leaders to positively and urgently address the crisis at the border; such as establishing regional refugee processing centers, strengthening asylum protections in the US and Mexico, modernizing ports of entry, using existing funding to US Customs and Border Protection to hire child welfare professionals, supporting proven and community-based alternatives to detention, and addressing the root causes of migration.
In this critical moment, aware that our “ancestor Jacob was a wandering Aramean who went to live as a foreigner in Egypt…but…became a large and mighty nation” (Deuteronomy 26:5, NLT), we seek to faithfully assume our responsibilities to care for the sojourner. For we remember Jesus’ words that “as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40).
In Christ’s love,
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“Porque el Señor su Dios… hace justicia al huérfano y a la viuda, y que ama también al extranjero y le da pan y vestido. Así que ustedes deben amar a los extranjeros, porque ustedes fueron extranjeros en Egipto.” (Deuteronomio 10: 17-19)
Entonces Jesús dijo: “Dejen que los niños se acerquen a mí. No se lo impidan, porque el reino de los cielos es de los que son como ellos.” (Mateo 19:14)
Querida Iglesia,
Nuestras sagradas escrituras están llenas de historias de pueblos desarraigados y profetas en movimiento, con constante presencia y dirección de Dios. Nos inspiramos en el liderazgo de nuestro Señor que liberó a los israelitas, consoló a la comunidad mientras se enfrentaban al exilio y luego a la repatriación, y guió a la familia de Jesús a un lugar seguro mientras huían de la persecución bajo Herodes. Por lo tanto, estamos listos para cumplir nuestro llamado a demostrar una hospitalidad radical y dar la bienvenida a los inmigrantes, refugiados y solicitantes de asilo de hoy en día que también están buscando protección contra la persecución.
Nuestros corazones lloran la muerte de niños en la frontera de Estados Unidos con México y en centros de detención mientras se encuentran bajo la custodia de los Estados Unidos, lo que está en desacuerdo con nuestro llamado a recibir. Instamos a la liberación de niños y adultos inmigrantes que se encuentran cautivos dentro de nuestra tierra en centros de detención, mismos que de acuerdo al informe en las últimas semanas por la Oficina del Inspector General cuentan con “problemas de sobrepoblación peligroso” y una higiene deficiente que requiere “medidas correctivas … críticas para las necesidades inmediatas de salud y seguridad de los detenidos”. Nos sentimos horrorizados por la “detención prolongada de niños y adultos”, a pesar de las regulaciones destinadas a garantizar que los niños se alojen solo en condiciones sanitarias, sean liberados sin demoras innecesarias y se coloquen en las condiciones menos restrictivas.
Recordamos cómo Jesús anunció su ministerio “de predicar buenas nuevas a los pobres … proclamar la liberación a los cautivos y … poner en libertad a los oprimidos” (Lucas 4:18). Reafirmamos nuestros compromisos previos contra las separaciones familiares y los esfuerzos para poner fin a la detención de niños, y una vez más, exigimos que se ponga fin a estas prácticas que mantienen a los niños detenidos en docenas de instalaciones. Junto con la Conferencia de Iglesias de Oklahoma, nos manifestamos en contra de el alojamiento de los niños inmigrantes en el puesto del Ejército de Fort Sill donde los estadounidenses de origen japonés fueron internados durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y “no podemos permanecer en silencio mientras que esta historia se repite con niños inocentes que, sin duda, incurrirán trauma y consecuencias que alteran la vida”.
Debido a que creemos que el amor puede trascender todas las divisiones culturales, nos unimos a compañeros ecuménicos e interreligiosos para instar que a toda persona que solicite asilo sea otorgada el debido proceso completo y las oportunidades para buscar protecciones como lo garantizan las leyes nacionales e internacionales. Confesamos que las políticas exteriores de los Estados Unidos han contribuido a la explotación de los países centroamericanos y han creado condiciones de raíz que alientan a las personas a migrar.
Como personas de fe, estamos ansiosos por “no dejan de practicar la hospitalidad a los extraños” (Hebreos 13: 2) y fortalecer nuestros esfuerzos para convertirnos en “Congregaciones de acogida de inmigrantes”. Por lo tanto, instamos a nuestros líderes gubernamentales a abordar de manera positiva y urgente la crisis en la frontera; como el establecimiento de centros regionales de procesamiento de refugiados, el fortalecimiento de las protecciones de asilo en los EE. UU. y México, la modernización de los puertos de entrada, el uso de fondos existentes para Aduanas y Protección de Fronteras de los EE. UU. para contratar profesionales de bienestar infantil, apoyando alternativas a la detención comprobadas y basadas en la comunidad, y abordando las causas fundamentales de la migración.
En este momento crítico, conscientes de que nuestro “antepasado Jacob era un arameo errante que fue a vivir como extranjero en Egipto … pero … se convirtió en una nación grande y poderosa” (Deuteronomio 26: 5, NTV), buscamos asumir fielmente nuestras responsabilidades de cuidar al viajero. Porque recordamos las palabras de Jesús que “les digo que todo lo que hicieron por uno de mis hermanos más pequeños, por mí lo hicieron” (Mateo 25:40).
En el amor de Cristo,
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Rev. Teresa “Terri” Hord Owens, General Minister and President
Rev. Dr. Timothy James, Associate General Minister and Administrative Secretary of the National Convocation
Rev. Dr. Sharon Stanley-Rea, Director, Disciples Home Missions Refugee & Immigration Ministries
Brad Lyons, Publisher, Christian Board of Publication/Chalice Press
Rev. Dr. Teresa Dulyea Parker, Regional Minister, Christian Church in Illinois/Wisconsin
Rev. Lee Hull Moses, Chief of Staff, Office of General Minister and President
Rev. John Mobley, Regional Minister, Christian Church in Alabama/Northwest Florida
John Goebel, Vice President of Finance, Treasury Services, Office of General Minister and President
Jon L. Berquist, President, Disciples Seminary Foundation
Rev. Dr. Patricia Donahoo, Executive Director, Disciples Women
Cherilyn Williams, Assistant Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Office of the General Minister and President
Rev. Lori Tapia, National Pastor, Central Pastoral Office for Hispanic Minister
Rev. Dr. Nadine Burton, Executive Regional Minister, Great River Region Christian Church
Rev. Dennise Bell, Regional Minister, Christian Church in Georgia
Rev. Dr. Andy Mangum, Regional Minister, Christian Church in the Southwest
Rev. Dr. Rick Lowery, President, Disciples of Christ Historical Society
Rev. Dr. Penny Ross Corona, Regional Minister, Christian Church of MidAmerica
Rev. Sandy Messick, Regional Minister, Northwest Region of the Christian Church
Mark Anderson, President, National Benevolent Association
Rev. Rebecca Hale, Executive Vice President, National Benevolent Association
Rev. Don Dewey, Co-Regional Minister, Pacific Southwest Region of the Christian Church
Rev. Susan Gonzales Dewey, Co-Regional Minister, Pacific Southwest Region of the Christian Church
Rev. LaTaunya Bynum, Regional Minister, Christian Church of Northern California-Nevada
Rev. Alan V. Harris, Regional Minister, Christian Church Capital Area
Rev. Renee Bridwell, Regional Minister, Christian Church in Kansas
Rev. Rick Spleth, Regional Minister, Christian Church in Indiana
Rev. Chris Morton, Regional Minister, Christian Church in Nebraska
Rev. Chris Dorsey, President, Higher Education & Leadership Ministries
Rev. Dr. Betsy Goehring, Regional Minister, Florida Disciples Regional Church
Rev. Dr. Nancy Claire Pittman, President, Phillips Theological Seminary
Rev. April Johnson, Minister of Reconciliation, Reconciliation Ministry
Rev. Dr. Larry J. Ross, Area Minister, North Texas Area of the Christian Church in the Southwest
Rev. Joan Bell-Haynes, Regional Minister, Central Rocky Mountain Region of the Christian Church
Rev. Vy Nguyen, Executive Director, Week of Compassion
Rev. Richie Sanchez, Interim Regional Minister, Christian Church in Arizona
Dr. Kristine A. Culp, Dean, Disciples Divinity House of the University of Chicago
Rev. Chung Seong Kim, Executive Pastor, North American Pacific/Asian Disciples
Rev. Pamela G. Holt, Regional Minister, Christian Church in Oklahoma
Rev. Dean Phelps, Interim Regional Minister, Christian Church in Kentucky
Reverend Roslyn Harrison, Senior Pastor, First Christian Church, Marion, IN
Lisa D. Hernandez, Community Christian Church, Tempe, AZ
Rev. Cherisna Jean-Marie, Director of Racial Justice Ministries, Scarritt Bennett Center, Nashville, TN
Rev. Elaine Groppenbacher, Pastor, Guardian Angels Catholic Community, Ecumenical Catholic Communion, Tempe, AZ
Kristi Weil, Congregant, First Christian Church (DOC), Arlington, TX
Rev. Steve Mason, Senior Minister, SouthPointe Christian Church, Lincoln, Nebraska
Rev. Travis Smith McKee, Co-Pastor, Fairview Christian Church, Gladstone, MO
Rev. Colton Lott, Senior Minister, First Christian Church, El Reno, Oklahoma
Rev. Nathan A. Russell, Senior Pastor, Washington Avenue Christian Church, Elyria, OH
Rev. Rev. Dan Adolphson, Associate Minister, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Rev. Dr. Mark Johnston, Executive Director, AllianceQ Open & Affirming Ministry Program, Park Ave CC, NYC, NY, NY
Rev. Ryan Steitz, Member, Community Christian Church, Kansas City, MO
Sarah Riester, Allisonville Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN
Rev. Dr. Eric Atcheson, Vancouver, Washington
Rev. Melissa Kleinschmidt, Senior Pastor, Countryside Christian Church, Winchester, IN
Keeley Bruner, Office Administrator, Community Christian Church, Tempe, AZ
Rev. MaryLou Dillon, Pastor, United Memorial Christian Church (DOC), Euless, TX
Rev. Dr. Hector M. Rivera, Pastor Disciples in Puerto Rico, Amelia CCDC, Guaynabo, PR
Rev. Larry J. Morris III, Henderson, NV
The Rev. Bonnie B. Thurston, Ph.D., Chapel Hill Christian Church, Wellsburg, West Virginia
Rev. Julia Cory, Sr. Pastor, First Christian Church, Kent, OH
Rev. Elizabeth Hartmann, Rensselaer, Indiana
Rev. Julio Barquero, Senior Pastor, Centro Cristiano Discípulos de Cristo, Houston, Texas
Wendy Hicks, First Christian Church, Goldsboro, NC
Rev. Eilene Theilig, Director of Lay and Continuing Education, Brite Divinity School, Fort Worth, TX
Rev. Susan Parsley, Pastor, Forest Hill Christian Church, San Francisco, CA
Mr. J. Thomas Wheeler, Elder, South Joplin Christian Church, Joplin, Missouri
Rev. Skip French, Highland Christian Church, Bella Vista, AR
Pastor Catherine Stander, Christian Church DOC, Louisville, Nebraska
Rev. Dr. Eric Atcheson, Vancouver, Washington
Mr. Gary Dunn, Elder, First Christian Church, Fort Worth, Texas
Lesley Durham, Director of Operations-Accounting, National Benevolent Association, St. Louis, MO
Betsy Wheeler, Board member, South Joplin Christian DOC, Joplin, Mo
Linda Kraft, Walton Christian Church, Florence, Kentucky
Betsy Wheeler, Board member, South Joplin Christian Church, Joplin, Mo
Laura Getty, First Christian, Greenville, SC
Rev. Fay Ann Blaylock, Pastor, First Christian Church – Falls City, Falls City, NE
Rev. Philip Curran, Pastor, Columbia United Christian Church, Columbia, MD
Rev. Dani Loving Cartwright, First Christian Church, Duncanville, TX
Alice L Price, Elder & Office Administrator, Royal Palm Christian Church, Coral Springs, FL
Jessica Faucett, South Joplin Christian Church, Joplin, MO
Rev. Jennifer Steele-Lantis, Associate Minister, First Christian Church, Lufkin, TX
Liz Campbell, Coppell, Texas
Jane S Velasquez, Elder, Fairhope Christian Church, Fairhope, AL
Tana Liu-Beers, Disciples Immigration Legal Counsel, Durham, NC
Emily Martin, Communication and Disciples Mission Fund Coordinator, Office of the General Minister and President
Patricia Hinds, South Joplin Christian Church DOC, Joplin, Mo
Rev. Scott Jamieson, Founding Pastor, Church Of Another Chance, Nashville, Tennessee
Rev. Parker Cross, Creekwood Christian Church, Flower Mound, Texas
Rev. Darnell Fennell, Houston, Texas
Rev. Diane Faires, Senior Minister, St. Paul’s Christian Church, Raleigh, NC
Rev. Robert D. Smith, Senior Minister, First Christian Church, Pawnee, Oklahoma
Becky Taylor, Pastor, Seeker’s Harbor Faith Community, Billings, MT
Rev. Jackie Meece Summers, Co-pastor, FCC (DoC), Bardstown, KY
Rev. Dean Robert Heisey, Co-Pastor, Southside Christian Church, South Bend, IN
Rev. Héctor J. Hérnandez, Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Indianapolis, IN
Colleen Marbke, St. Louis, Missouri
Tom Lemke, Missiongathering, Thornton, Colorado
Rev. Michael Davison, Associate Regional Minister, Christian Church in Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK
Angela Higeons, Forest Park Christian Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Debra Goodnight, Central Christian Church, Memphis, TN
Mrs. Julia Foster, NP, South Joplin Christian Church, Joplin, MO
Rev. Dr. Judith Hoch Wray, retired, Central Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN
Gayle Hernandez, Concerned citizen, Murray Hills Christian Church, Beaverton, Oregon
Ms. Brenda Rose, Board member, Millersburg Christian Church, Fulton, Missouri
Rev. William Rose-Heim, Regional Minister CC(DOC) of Greater KC, Powershift, Raytown, Missouri
Rev. Joshua Sawyer, Minister, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Omaha, NE
Rev. Rebecca Anderson, Pastor, Gilead Chicago/Bethany UCC, Chicago, IL
Jeanie Smith, First Christian Church, Bowling Green, Ky
Rev. Stephanie Moon, North Middletown, KY
Ms. Courtney Wright, SJCC, Joplin, MO
Michael Soderstrom, South Joplin Christian Church, Joplin, MO
Rev. Dr. Frances (Frankie) Gay, Retired, Palm Lake Christian Church, St. Petersburg, FL
Dr. Megan Bever, South Joplin Christian Church, Joplin, MO
Rev. Mary Jo Bradshaw, Long Beach, CA
Ms. Diane Hall, Community Christian Church, Manchester, Missouri
Rev. Angela Whitenhill, Manager of Mental Health Initiative NBA, Covenant Christian Church, Cary, North Carolina
Donna Fuller, Deacon, South Joplin Christian Church, Joplin, Missouri
Mrs. Dawn Schoen, Greenfield Christian Church, DOC, Greenfield, IN
Rev. Ginny Adams, Virginia Adams H Adams, Crestwood Christian Church, Lincoln, NE
Tim Whitmore, Pastor, First Christian Church/First Presbyterian Church, Holden, Missouri
Rev. Kimberly, Weir, Florida Christian Center, Jacksonville, FL
David and Sharon Livingston, Retired Disciples pastor and wife, Greenfield Christian Church, Greenfield, Indiana
Betty Woomer, First Christian, Chattanooga, TN
Rev. Dr. Ronald C. Greene, Minister, Central Christian Church, Great Falls, Montana
Rev. Dr. Colleen Carroll, Senior Minister, South Joplin Christian Church, Joplin, MO
Derek R Barnett, Houston, TX
Kay Hagadone, Creekwood Christian Church, Flower Mound, Texas
Jennifer Hawkins, First Christian Church Henderson, Henderson, KY
Rev. Don Heath, Minister, Edmond Trinity Christian Church, Edmond, Oklahoma
Alejandra, Christian Church Disciples of Christ Milwaukee Wi., Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Dr. John F Else, Retired, First Central Congregational Church, Omaha, NE
Brandy Sullivan, Parishioner, St, Andrews, Apex, North Carolina
Rev, Dawn Barnes, Central Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN
Rev. Brian Frederick-Gray, Mission Director, Disciples Peace Fellowship, Cambridge, MA
Rev., Donna Cooney, Pastor, The United Church UCC/DOC, St. Augustine, FL
Carla Jordan, First Christian Church, Bonner Springs, KS
Ms. Kristen Pool, Treasurer, Hiram Christian Church, Hiram, Ohio
Dr. Ben Perez-de Gracia, Pastor, San Juan Puerto Rico, BAYAMON, Puerto Rico
Deborah K. Sivis, First Christian Church, Ashland, KY
Penny Burgett, Unity Christian Church, Radford, Virginia
Rev. Kathy Reinger, Retired, First Christian Church, Wilmington, NC
Rev. Rick Jordan, Pastor, First Christian Church, Bonner Springs, KS
Catherine, Peoples Congregational United Church of Christ, Washington, District of Columbia
Rev. Tiffney Marley, Clergy, Bethesda, MD
Bishop Valerie Melvin, Regional Minister, Christian Church in North Carolina, Wilson, North Carolina
Cindy Lumpkin, Daytona Beach Drive In Christian Church, Daytona Beach Shores, FL
Mrs. Pamela Vicars-Runnals, Unity Christian, Radford, VA
Jennifer Jacobson, MDiv, Northwest United Protestant Church, DOC, Richland, WA
Randi Poch, Mountain View, California
Phyllis Browning Reed, Florence Christian Church, Florence, KY
Ms. Rachel chappell, Adult Education, Heart of the Rockies (DOC), Fort Collins, Colorado
Pablo Jesús Rodríguez, Pastor, Iglesia Casa REDIME- Discípulos de Cristo, Aubrey, Texas
Ryan Bray, Member, Central Christian, Pocatello, Idaho
Rev. Nancy Gowler, Minister, First Christian Church, Puyallup, WA
Rev. J. Michael McMahon, Executive Director, The Hymn Society in the U.S. and Canada, National City Christian Church, Washington, DC
Mirjam Collegeman, Eliot Chapel, St. Louis, MO
Rev. Jeff Zimmerman, Minister for New Church/Ministries in IL-WI, Deerfield, IL
Rev. Dustin Bower, Pastor, First Christian Church, Hastings, Nebraska
Rev. Kit Fuller, Journey of Faith CC, Ann Arbor, MI
Carla Stein, First Christian, Loveland, CO
Rev. Andrew Hunter, Farmington, NM
Mrs. Cheryl Fairchild, St. Paul’s Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Raleigh, NC
Gayle Hernandez, Concerned citizen, Murray Hills Christian Church, Beaverton, Oregon
Mr., Jim Fairchild, St. Paul’s Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Raleigh, NC
Rev. Barbara K. Gulick, Retired, Jefferson City, Missouri
Raiza Spratt, Murray Hills Christian Church, Beaverton, OR
Nancy Brookhart, Elder emeritus, Broadway Christian Church, Council Bluffs, IA
Kris Milliron, First Christian Church, Marshall, MO
Carmen Juliana Rivera, Pastora, Iglesia Casa Redime – Discípulos de Cristo, Aubrey, Texas
Patricia Summers, First Christian Church, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
Anna, Iglesia Cristiana Emmanuel, San Benito, TX
Rev. Cassie Sexton-Riggs, Minister, Litchfield, IL
Ms. Elaine Wegrzyn, Martinez, Ga
Rev. Loren Richmond Jr., Pastor, Missiongathering Christian Church (DOC), Thornton, CO
Rev. Amory Merriman, Pastor, United Christian Church (DOC), California, PA
Rev. Daphne Arias, Minister, Disciples of Christ Bo. Nuevo, Bayamon, PR
Ms. Patsy Williams, Programming Ministry Lead, Bonnie View Christian Church, Dallas, Tx
Keith Rawlinson, Cypress Creek Christian Church, Spring, Tx
Elizabeth Vanture Cain, Pasadena, Monrovia, CA
Joann Johnson, Heart of the Rockies Christian Church, Fort Collins, CO
Irma Elizarraras, Women & Youth Minister, Iglesia Cristiana Biblical Eben-Ezer, Dallas, Texas
Dr. Cathy Severns, First Christian Church Bowling Green, Bowling Green, Kentucky
Rev. Dr. Don Sarton, Retired, Countryside Community Church, Omaha, NE
Rev. Amber Richardson, Pastor, United Christian Church, Miles City, Montana
Lois Belser, Lee’s Summit Christian Church, Lee’s Summit, MO
Rev. Evan M. Dolive, Longview, Tx
Rev. Allison Lanza, Ridglea Christian Church, Fort Worth, TX
Rev. Dr. Eric Atcheson, Vancouver, Washington
Rev. Robert M Sherman, Pastor & Teacher, St John’s United Church of Christ, Minier, Illinois
Rev. Dr. Esther Robles, Pastor, DOC/UCC, Valrico, FL
Karla Myers, NIXA Christian Church, Nixa, MO
Ms. Susan Edmondson, Retired Youth Care Specialist, Central Christian Church, Terre Haute, IN
Rev. Evangelina Perez, Kayros Christian Church, Arlington, TX
Mrs. Renee Hayes, Trinity Memorial United Methodist, Trinity, NC
Teresa Smithson, University Christian, Hyattsville, Md
Miss Madelyn Chambers, FCCP, Pasadena, Tx
Sheri Jackson, Covington, KY
Mary Bowers & Rev. Houston Bowers, retired Disciples, Mantua Center Christian Church, Mantua, Ohio
Rev. Nancy Dunn, Seven Hills, OH
Rev. Dr. Jarrett Banks, Senior Minister, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Fort Smith, AR
Leila Jindra, Pastor, Christian Temple Disciples of Christ, Lorain, Ohio
Rev. Dr. Zena McAdams, Retired, University Christian Church, Fort Worth, TX
Rev. Dawn Weaks, pastor, Connection Christian Church, Odessa, TX
Anna-Maria Bliss, First Christian Church, Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN
Dave Hosseini, First Christian Church, Sacramento, Ca
Michael McCollum, Architect, North Kansas City, MO
Betty Riding, Light of the World Christian Church, Indianapolis, Indiana
Dr. Guy Adams, Disciple (aspiring), Broadway Christian Church, Columbia, MO
Rev. Vanessa Rivera, Pastor, Mision Cristiana Nueva Vida, cleveland, Ohio
Rev. Dr. Jeff Moore, Pastor, Webster Groves Christian Church (Disciples of Christ, St. Louis, Missouri
Rev. Linda S. Miller, Retired Disciples Pastor, Carrollton, MO
Ms. Diana Anderson, Salem Baptist Church of Chicago, Country Club Hills, Illinois
Rev, John williams, Senior Minister, Federated Church, West Lafayette, Indiana
Mrs. Robin Woodrome, Member, Webster Groves Christian Church, St Louis, Missouri
Karen Jones, Organist, Daytona Beach Drive In Christian Church, Daytona Beach Shores, Florida
Rev. Dr. Warren Sapp, Retired, Broadway Christian Church, Columbia, MO 65201, MO
Rev. Dr. Woodie Rea, Senior Minister, The Inter-Faith Chapel, Silver Spring, Maryland
Rev. Laura Guy, Pastor, Living Water Christian Church, Parkville, MO
Theresa Borchardt, First Christian Disciples of Christ, Minneapolis, MN
Mrs. Marianne Stowers, retired librarian, First Christian Church, Springfield, Illinois
Rev. Diane Clark, Retired minister, Azle Christian Church, Azle, Texas
Mrs. Michelle Soruco, Tapestry Church, Greenwood, Indiana
Colleen Vawter, Praise team member, First Christian Church, Salem, OR
Mary Almanza, Trustee/Elder, First Christian Church, Duncanville, Texas
Dr. Richard Daetwiler, Richard Daetwiler Th.d., Fireside Christian Church, Metro Denver, Colorado, CO
Deborah Morse, Affton Christian Church, St. Louis, MO
Randy Frwel, Niles Discovery Church, Fremont’s nt, CA
Alex Cooper, Trustee, National Benevolent Association, Cleburne, Texas
Rev. Suzanne Hall Stout, Minister, First Christian Church, Des Moines, Iowa
Billie Lynch, Board member of HELM, First Christian Church (DoC), Daytona Beach, FL
Kathy Dawson, Mission and Outreach Team Leader, All Pilgrims Christian Church, Seattle, WA
Judy Hollowell, Niles Discovery Church, Fremont, California
Ms. Tina L. Jones, Tuscaloosa, AL
Helen, Member, First Christian Church, Columbia, SC
Rev, Helms Jarrell, QC Family Tree, Charlotte, NC
Rev. Sharon S. Cantrell, Pastor Micah Ministry, IBCC, Home church, Shawnee Community Christian Church, Shawnee, Ks
Claire, Riverside Christian Church, Wichita, KANSAS
David Coatsworth, Elder, Saguaro Christian Church, Tucson, Arizona
Katie M Wallace-Davis, First Christian Church, Tuscaloosa, AL
Charles Work, First Christian Church Norman, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Mrs. Susan Stoddart, Director of Religious Education, Central Christian Church, Warren, OH
Mary E Durham, Norwalk Christian Church, Norwalk, Ia
Rev. Melissa Frantz, Associate Minister, Daytona Beach Drive In Christian Church, Daytona Beach Shores, Florida
Rev. Dr. Cheryl L Tatham, Minister, North Chevy Chase Christian Church, Chevy Chase, MD
Rev. Rebecca K. Littlejohn, Pastor, Vista La Mesa Christian Church, La Mesa, CA
Rev., Kristin M. Dow, New Song Church, Kansas City, MO
Bethan Clayton, Member, Disciples of Christ, Alexandria-Pineville, Louisiana
Becky Piening, Minister to Children, Youth and Families, Affton Christian Church, St. Louis, MO
Diane Mark, Webster Groves Christian Church DOC, Saint Louis, Missouri
Rev. Dr. Darren Phelps., Pastor, Washington, DC
Jennifer Hern, Florence Christian Church, Florence, KY
Rev. Jose, Comoderador and Pastor, FCC, Commerce, Texas
Rev. Gale Stutz, Pastor, Franklin Central CC/Eastgate CC, Indianapolis, Indiana
Linda Sexton, Arizona Regional Disciples Women Coordinator, Foothills Christian Church, Glendale, Arizona
Valerie Kines, Executive Director, Ruth’s House DV Program, First Christian Church, Washington, NC
Rev. Sarah Richey, First Christian Church, San Bernardino, CA
Mrs. Judy Thompson, Retired, Taylor Mill, Ky
Rev. Deborah Bolen, Pastor, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Cambridge, Ohio
Rev. Cari Fowler, Pastor, First Christian Church, Portland, Texas
Rev. Rebekah Krevens, Pastor, Foothills Christian Church, Glendale, AZ
Mrs. Martha Linville, retired, Lee’s Summit Christian, Lee’s Summit, MO
Rev. Mona Lisa Garrett, Bossier City, LA
Mrs. Jean Starr Rutherford, Martin Temple AMEZ Church, Chicago, Illinois
Rev. Dr. Eric Cole, Senior Pastor, Shalom Community Christian Church, Greensboro, North Carolina
Rev. Caleb J. Lines, Senior Minister, University Christian Church (DOC/UCC), San Diego, CA
Rev. Dr. Julia Brown Karimu, President, Division of Overseas Ministries Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Light of the World, Indianapolis, Indiana
Rev. Dean W. Bucalos, New Life in Christ Christian Church, Louisville, Kentucky
Valorie Monroe, Shelbyville, KY
Shari Iden, Florence Christian Church (DOC), Florence, KY
Rev. William L. Johnson III, Senior Minister, First Christian Church, Madison, Indiana
Cindy Wallace, Board Chair, Crittenden Christian Church, Crittenden, KY
Bryan Feille, First Christian, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Reverend Cynthia Klingemier, Interim Pastor, Good Shepherd Christian Church, Macedonia, Ohio
Rev. Dr. Thomas Kleinert, Vine Street Christian Church, Nashville, TN
Rev, Ruth Chávez Wallace, VP Pension Fund Christian Church, First Christian church, Little Rock, Ar
Min. Greta Adams, Amazing Grace Christian Church, Indianapolis, Indiana
Min. Leah Thomas Brown, Commissioned Minister, Light of the World Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN
Sherrill Morris, Fireside Christian Church (DOC), Denver, Denver
Gloria, Light of the World Christian Church, Indianapolis, Indiana
Dr. David G. Ruffer, Member, Zionsville Christian Church, Zionsville, IN
Rev. Roger Osgood, Senior Minister, Heights Christian Church, Shaker Hts, OH
Rev. Dr. Stephanie B. Crowder, Vice President of Academic Affairs & Academic Dean, Chicago Theological Seminary, Park Manor Christian Church, Chicago, Illinois
Rev. Carmen R Fernandez, Gahanna, OH
Ms. Carole Hughes, Laity, Webster Groves Christian Church, St Louis, MO
Lee Bryar, Foothills Christian Disciples of Christ, Peoria, Arizona
Rev. David Hargrave, Interim Regional Connection Minister, Christian Church in the Southwest, Fort Worth, Tx
Rev. Daniel B. Gulden, Vice President for Client Relations Pension Fund, Indianapolis, IN
Linda Brown, Countryside CHRISTIAN Church, Winchester, Indiana
Jamie Stidham, 4th grade teacher, Bullittsville Christian Church, Burlington, KY
Rev. Dr. William E. Crowder, Jr., Senior Pastor, Park Manor Christian Church, Chicago, Illinois
Didi Christie, Deacon, First Christian Church, Union City, TN
Rev. Day Broers-Case, Senior Minister, Brandon Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Brandon, Florida
Rev. John M. Richardson, Regional Minister (Retired), Beargrass Christian Church, Louisville, KY
Cindy Kim-Hengst, Chicago Christian Church, Des Plaines, Il
Elder K. Inez Cole, Amazing Grace Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN
Yessica Muñoz, Iglesia Alas de Salvacion, Mesa, AZ
Rev. Linda Harding, Director Raleigh Youth Mission, Raleigh, NC
Rev. Kathy Bird DeYoung, ACPE Certified Educator, Cascade Christian Church, Cascade, MI
Rev. Linda Hunsaker, Senior Minister, First Christian Church, Davenport, Iowa
Austin Staggs, Youth Minister, First Christian Church of Granbury, Granbury, Texas
Rev. Warren R. Schoming, Chair of the Fellowship of Local Pastors and Associate Members of the Great Plains UMC Conference, Guide Rock and Red Cloud UMC Parish, Red Cloud, Nebraska
Ms. Joan Corbin, Crown Heights Christian Church, Oklahoma City, OK
Ms. Juli Claussen, Lay leader, First Christian Church-DOC, Carbondale, IL
Rev. Bentley Stewart, Pastor, Christian Church of Vacaville, Vacaville, California
Isabel Ramos, Calvary Community, Thousand Oaks, California
Sarah Zuniga, Disciples Divinity House Scholar, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Mrs. D Jane Bartlett, Lay Minister, Leadership Council Chair, New Song Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Kansas City, MO
Rev. Glenda Dietrich Moore, Spiritual Director, Bethany Christian Church, Lincoln, NE
Tyrell Albin, Boulevard Christian and Congregational Church, Lawton, Oklahoma
Denise Pahl, Webster Groves Christian Church, St. Louis, MO
Bethany Guy, Director of Communications, Global Ministries, Indianapolis, IN
Ginny Braddock, Chair of Elders, First Christian Church Columbia, Columbia, SC
Rev. Dr. Bradley Donahue, retired pastor, Avon Lake
Rev. Dr. Judith Dalton, Sr. Minister, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Pasadena, TX
Rev. Danielle Cox, Senior Minister, First Christian Church, Texas City, Texas
Becky Helton, Deacon/ Worship Chair, First Christian Church, Falls Church, Virginia
Ms. Sue Tarleton, Christian Church of Woodland, Woodland, California
Rev. Gabriel Pfefer, Minister, Christian Church in Kentucky, Shepherdsville, Kentucky
Ann Bailey, University Christian Church, Fort Worth, TX
Mr. Gary Adams, Ft. Thomas First Christian, Florence, Kentucky
Karen, First Christian Eugene, Oregon, Eugene, Oregon
Rev, Venus, Iglesia Cristiana Bethel, Dallas, Tx
Karen Barr, Elder, Springfiled Christian Church, Springfield Christian Church, Virginia
Rev. Robert Elizarrarás, Senior Pastor, Iglesia Cristiana Biblica Eben-Ezer, Dallas, Texas
Rev. Jeanelyse Doran, Hospice Chaplain, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Woodland, Woodland, CA
Rev. Renee Chase, Chaplain, Lexington, KY
Rev. Dr. John C. Callison, Retired Minister, Memorial Drive Christian Church, Houston, Texas
Rev. Dr. Martha A. Brown, Associate Pastor, Henson Valley Christian Church, Fort Washington, Maryland
Rev. Harold Straughn, St. Francis of Assisi Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) at the Utah Women’s Prison, Draper, Utah
Ms. Lois Ann Smith, Elder, Bethany Christian Church, Fort Washington, Maryland
Rev. Patricia Farmer, Minister, Millersburg Christian Church (DOC), Fulton, MO
Eli Hess, Member, The DOCK Christian Church, Wichita, Kansas
Rev. Matthew Every, Pastor, First Christian Church, Bowling Green, Ohio
Sandra Surface, First Christian Church, Peoria, Illinois
Lou Ann Millett, Mission Ministry Team, West Street Christian Church, Tipton, IN
Rev. Teri Nilson Baird, South Broadway Christian Church, Denver, Colorado
Laura Conner, First Christian Church, Rockwood, TN
Pastor, Jennifer M. Moreno, Interim Minister, Palm Lake Christian Church, St. Petersburg, Fl
Horace Williams, Mt Pleasant CC, Greensboro, N C
Jenn Simmons, Lead Pastor, National Avenue Christian Church, Springfield, Mo
Rev. Dr. Richard L. Lauer, Retired Regional Minister, First Christian Church, Eugene, OR
Ms. Miranda Martin, First Christian Church (disciples of Christ) of Pineville, Pineville, Louisiana
Suzanne Quenette, University Christian Church, Austin, TX
Rev. Ronald E. Crooks, Retired, Member FCC, Katy, TX
Rev. Glenda Survance, Pastor, First Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN
Rev. Laura Evans Mahn, Minister, First Christian Church, Princeton, IL
Catherine C Jobe, New Hope Fellowship Christian Church, Fort Worth, TX
Rev. Suzie Moore, Pastor, Stanhope Parish (DOC-UM), Stanhope, Iowa
Minta Colburn, Elder, Eureka Christian Church, Eureka, Illinois
Rev. Jeffrey Spencer, Senior Pastor and Teacher, Niles Discovery Church, Fremont, CA
Rev. Stephen Yorba Patten, Minister of Community Wellness, UrbanMission, Pomona, CA
Cynthia Zimmerman, First Christian Church, McKinney, TX
Rev. D. Kim Fields-Haley, Regional Connection Minister, New Mexico and El Paso, West Mesa Christian Church, Albuquerque, NM
Rev. Deborah Carlton, Chaplain, Ashburn, VA
Robbie Wilson, Elder, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Fort Smith, Arkansas
Martha Quinn, Secretary, First Christian Church of Pine Bluff, Pine Bluff, AR
Amy Bramblette, Shelbyville First Christian Church, Shelbyville, KY
Marvin Lance Wiser, Pastor, Eden United Church of Christ, Hayward, CA
Devyn shaffer, Vandergrift, Pennsylvania
Rev. Brandon Johnson, Pastor, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Burbank, CA
Phillip Cooley, Sturgeon Christian Church, Clark, MISSOURI
Dr. Scott Rollins, Minister, Highland Christian Church, Frankfort, KYMicki Rice, Congregant, Rush Creek Christian Church, Arlington, TX
Dr. Dan Busdiecker, Retired, East Dallas Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Rev. Dr. Coll T. Wise, Choir Director, Chestnut Ridge Christian Church, Marietta, Georgia
Patricia Grate, Elder, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Peoria, Illinois
Mary, First Christian Church, Lawrenceville, Illinois
Rev. Bob Parvin, Ordained clergy, retired, DoC, Hillsville VA, Fancy Gap, VA
KJ Reynolds, Webster Groves Christian Church, St. Louis, MO
Julie Rybolt, First Christian Church – Disciples Of Christ, Dexter, MO
Rev. Bruce D. Frogge, Sr. Minister, Cypress Creek Christian Church, Spring, Texas
Denise Houchins, Smiths Grove First Christian Church, Smiths Grove, Kentucky
Rev. Luke Sumner, Pastor, Queen Anne Christian Church, Seattle, WA
Rev. Jimmie C Spiller, Retired, Frederick, MD
Rev. Ryan Motter, Associate Minister, Community Christian Church, Kansas City, MO
Rev. Dr. Darlene Brewer, Wyndholme Christian Church, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Rev. Karen R Kelly, minister, First Christian Church Williamston, Williamston, NC
Angela Rehfuss, Erlanger Christian, Erlanger, Kentucky
Laurie Pound Feille, Senior Pastor, First Christian (Disciples of Christ), Minneapolis, Minnesota
Rev. Dr. Robert R. Howard, Pastor, Community Christian Church, Tempe, AZ
Rev. Vicki, Pulpit Supply, Woodland Christian Church, Waddy, KY
Rev. Megan Turner, Minister To Children and Families, Northway Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Barbara Enochs, University Christian Church, Fort Worth, Texas
Rev. Brandon L. Gilvin, Senior Minister, First Christian Church, Chattanooga, TN
Rev. A. David Digby, Retired, First Christian Church, Ames, IA
Ms. Sheila R. Riddle, Elder, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Logan, West Virginia
Rev. Dr. Alex Wright, Senior Minister, Standford Christian Church, Standford, KY
Rev. Dr. David L. Haun, Retired after over 60 years in pastoral ministry, Pompano Beach, Florida
Dr. Derek Penwell, Senior Pastor, Douglass Blvd Christian Church, Louisville, KY
Rev. Gerry Brague, Associate Pastor, Forest Hill Christian Church, San Francisco, CA
Rev. Tracy A Siegman, Covington, Kentucky
Matthew Rosen, Silverton, OR
Rev. Andy Shelton, Director of Chapel, Brite Divinity School, Fort Worth, Texas
Rev. David B Bell, Minister for Indigenous Justice, Yakama Christian Mission, White Swan, WA
Rev. Natalie Chamberlain, Pastor, Hilton Christian Church, Newport News, VA
Rev. Michael N. Riggs, Senior Minister, Union Avenue Christian Church, St. Louis, Missouri
Rev. Ted Firch, Senior Pastor, First Christian Church, Sacramento, CA
Rev. Christine Ahmose, Pastor, Crestwood Christian Church, Lincoln, Nebraska
Rev. Dr. Rebecca Z. McNeil, Pastor, First Congregational Church and Park Congregational Church, member Youth and Outdoor Ministry Commission, Nebraska DOC/UCC, Neligh, NE
Rev. Jan Ekstedt, Senior Pastor, 1st Christian Church, North Platte, NE
Rev. Nona S. Hodder, Pastor, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Scottsbluff, NE
Rev. Dr. Robin L. Welch, Havelock Christian Church, Lincoln, Nebraska
Sally Mason, First Christan, Lincoln, Nebraska
Rev. Gary George, Executive Director, Hospice House—The Josie Harper Residence, Omaha, Nebraska
Donna DiPaolo-Alexander, First Christian Church, Amarillo, United States
Rev. Jerry D Albright, Executive Director, Interchurch Ministries of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska
Rev. Sarah Richey, First Christian Church, San Bernardino, CA
Rev. Ailsa Guardiola Gonzalez, Pastor, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Tucson, TUCSON, AZ
Rev. Edward L. Cushingberry, Jr., Pastor, New Hope Christian church Disciples of Christ, Buton, SC
Rev, Diana Hodges-Batzka, Bellevue, KY
Rev.,Giuseppe Amato, Associate Pastor, Cedar Hills United Church of Christ, Portland, OR
Kyrmen Rea, Minister of Visitation and Worship, Tapestry Church, GREENWOOD, IN
Lisa Natham, Foothills Christian Church, Peoria, Arizona
Rev. Russell M. Fuller, Pastor Emeritus, Journey of Faith Christian Church, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Mrs. Donna Linn, Royal Palm Christian Church, Coral Springs, Florida
Rev. Brian Daly, Pastor, Pacific Beach Christian Church, San Diego, CA
Rev. Annie Grogan, Chaplain, First Christian Church Grand Junction, Grand Junction, Colorado
Dr. Cecilia Johnson, Chalice Christian Church, Gilbert, AZ
Dr. Alan Davis, Minister of Worship and Music, Westview Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN
Lorna B. Hernandez, Director, People-to-People Pilgrimage Program, DOM/Global Ministries, Indianapolis, Indiana
Julie Miles, Foothills Christian Church, PHOENIX, AZ
Betsy Hatfield, Murray Hills Christian Church/Chalice Christian Church, Beaverton/Gilbert, OR/AZ
Rev. Dr. Dan Bryant, First Christian Church, Eugene, OR
Chaplain James G. Goode, Retired/Navy, Arden Christian (D of C), Sacramento, CA
Jason Ellis, Central Christian Church, Texarkana, Texas
Mr. and Mrs. John Archer, First Christian Church DoC, Monett, MO
Linda Necker, Lay leader, Community Christian church, Tempe, Arizona
Jason Ellis, Central Christian Church, Texarkana, Texas
Elizabeth Ann McKelvey, Member, Greenfield Christian Church, Greenfield, Indiana
Barbara Scamman, Queen Anne Christian Church, Seattle, WA
Mrs. Cicely Holt, Trustee, First Christian Church, Reidsville, North Carolina
Horace Derrick, Royal Palm Christian Church, Coral Springs, Florida
Allen Foster, Forest Hill Christian Church, San Francisco, CA
Pastor Kega Nasios, Program Direction, Glendale, AZ
Rev. D. Kent Deubner, Pastor, Pleasant Hill First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Pleasant Hill, MO
Joyce Sterling, Member, Community Christian Church, Tempe, AZ
Dr. Steven Blinder, Brandon Christian Church, Brandon, FL
Rev. Dr. Lisa, Professor of Hebrew Bible, Phillips Theological Seminary, Tulsa, OK
Rev. Cyndy W. Twedell, Fort Worth, Texas
Ken Lundgren, First Christian Church, Sheridan, Wyoming
Elizabeth Topliffe, Grand Rapids, MI
Pam Rahn, Allisonville Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN
Diane Williams, Burleson Church of Christ, Burleson, TX
Rev. Amy E. Wharton, Pastor, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Olney, Illinois
Ms. Carolyn Theil, Retired, South Joplin Christian church Disciples of Christ, Joplin, Mo
Carol Neff, Elder, First Christian Church, Arlington, TX
Rev. Dr. Lara Blackwood Pickrel, Senior Minister, First Christian Church, Smithville, MO
Rev. Andrew Shipley, Lead Pastor, Missiongathering Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Charlotte, North Carolina
Laurie Kotalac, First Christian Church, Medina, Ohio
Rev. Dr. Jack Sullivan, Jr., Executive Director, Ohio Council of Churches, Columbus, Ohio
Mrs. Beth Kaback, Hampton Park Christian Church, Toledo, OH
Jessie Lewis, Keezletown, VA
Kirstin Ringel, Peoria, Illinois
Janet Taylor, Lay Leader, First Christian Church, Festus, MO
Jane Cole, Royal Palm Christian Church, Coral Sorings, Fl
Rev. Marvin Eckfeldt, Rev. Marvin Eckfeldt, First Christian Church, Kent, WA
Rev. Megan Peglar, Admissions Associate, Brite Divinity School, Fort Worth, TX
Rev. James R. Plunkett, Minister of Youth and Families, University Christian Church of Fort Worth, Fort Worth, Texas
Chad Peterson-Sloan, Deacon, South Joplin Christian Church, Joplin, MO
Rev. Jessica Vacketta, Minister of Connections, University Christian Church, Fort Worth, Texas
puckmaren glass, columbia, mo
Ellen Annala, Member, Central Christian Church, Indianapolis, Indiana
Sylvia Sanchez, Trinity Presbyterian Church, Arlington, VA
Cynthia Kellerman, Community Christian Church, Kansas City, Missouri
Rev. Dr. Robert Kunz, East Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68516
Daniel E White, Church member, 1st Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Berryville, Arkansas
Rachyl Joy, Chickasha, Ok
Mrs. Gail Wallace, The Table, Knoxville, TN
Kimberly Brown, Christian Church of Pacific Grove, Pacific Grove, CA
Ms. Angela Edwards, Royal Palm Christian Church, Coral Springs, Fl
Travis, Chickasha FCC, Chickasha, Oklahoma
Rev. Kathleen Day, Campus minister, United Christian Ministry at Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ
Jonni C. Lynch, DOC, Florence, Ky
Sandra Weed, Foothills Christian Church, Phoenix, Arizona
Dr. Paul E Hopkins, Albuquerque, NM
Cindi Watts, Director, Royal Palm Christian Preschool, Royal Palm Christian Church, Coral Springs, Florida
Sadye C. Sanders, Member, National City Christian Church, Washington, D.C.
Rev. Laurie Anderson, Minister of Church Life, Rolling Hills, Overland Park, Kansas
Nancy Hoober, Lay Leader, Community Christian, Tempe, AZ
Rev. Casey Tanguay, Senior Pastor, Westwind Christian, Keller, TX
Ms. Sally B. Paolantonio, Member, Royal Palm Christian Church, Coral Springs, Florida
Dr. Catherine Nichols, First Christian Church, Tucson, Arizona
Caitlin, Director of Children and Youth Ministry, SouthPointe Christian Church, Lincoln, NE
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Strain, First Christian Church, Crawfordsville, IN
Ms. Jeanie Morrison, South Joplin Christian Church, Joplin, Missouri
Rev. Ayanna Johnson Watkins, Memphis, TN
Ann brewer, First Christian, Covington, Ky
Linda McKiernan-Allen, Minister of the Gospel, West Street Christian Church, Tipton, IN
Thomas Hice, Member, Drive-in Christian Church, Daytona Beach, Florida
Rev. Geo Latimer, South Grand Lake, Langley, OK
Rev. Dr. Dietra Wise Baker, Program Director for Activism & Advocacy, National Benevolent Association, St Louis, Missouri
Rev. Shannon Cook, Minister of Faith Development, First Christian Church, Norman, OK
Pastor Alan Cory, (Retired), FCC, Kent, Ohio
Rev. Sylvia Mill, (retired), Westview Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN
Rev. Melissa Guthrie Loy, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Greensboro, NC
Rev. Kevin McGee, Chaplain, Royal palm Christian church, Coral springs, Florida
Mary Ann Cahail, Member, Community Christian Church, Tempe, AZ
Cara McKinney, Disciples Christian Church, Cleveland Heights, OH
Marybeth McCormick, Director of Outreach, Central Woodward Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, Troy, Michigan
Julie Boston, Community Christian Church, Mesa, Arizona
Rev. Thandiwe A. Dale-Ferguson, Pastor, First Congregational Church, Loveland UCC, Loveland, CO
Carol Lundgren, First Christian Church, Sheridan, Wy
Rev. Neil E Topliffe, Clergy, Central Christian Church, Grand Rapids, MI
Rev. Amy Rogers, Pastor, First United Presbyterian Church, Guthrie, OK
Angela DeVore, Coordinator of Pastoral Care, Hutchinson Regional Medical Center, Hutchinson, Kansas
Sarah C Beveridge, Advance Conference Officer, Camp Christian, Delaware, Ohio
Dorothy Corder, Foothills Christian Church, Glendale, Arizona
Chrissy Stonebraker-Martinez, Co-Director, InterReligious Task Force On Central America and Colombia, Cleveland, Ohio
Emily Saeteurn, Foothills Christian Church, Phoenix, AZ
Mr. David Stonebraker-Martinez, Member of the Regional Church Council – Ohio Region, First Christian Church, Niles, OH
Rev. Dr. Dayna Kinkade, Senior Pastor, First Christian Church of Orange, Orange, CA
Rev. Sarah Kingsbery, Jefferson City, Missouri
Rev. Dr. Ben Bohren, Retired Regional Minister and NBA Consultant, First Christian Church, North Hollywood, CA, Palm Springs, CA
Rev. James R. Burtopn, Retired, Hurdle Mills, NC
Rev. James Sterling, Community Christian Church, Tempe, Arizona
Mr. George M. Roper, Elder, Othello Christian Church, Othello, WA
Charles Varner, Chaplain’s Assistant, First Christian Church, Corvallis, OR
Rev. Katherine Wright, Minister of Family & Community, Central Christian Church, San Antonio, Tx
Karen Piker, Abbey Road Christian Church, Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Rev. Dr. Betty M Green, Associate Pastor, Woodlawn Christian Church DOC, Columbus, Ohio
Mrs. Teresa Thomas, Broad St. Christian Church, new bern, NC
Rev. Patricia Roberts, Chaplain, Apollo Beach, FL
Marie Tumeshwar, Coral Springs, Florida
Robert A Riester, retired Disciples minister, INDIANAPOLIS, IN
Gabriela Trejo, Concerned Believer, Nuevo Amanecer, Kinston, NC
Rev. Clint Collins, pastor, First Christian Church, Bremerton, WA
Rev. Evan Taylor, Associate Minister, Forest Park Christian Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Rev. Julia Bratton, Pastor, First Christian Church, Alexandria, Indiana
Rev. Gregory Rumburg, Chaplain, Nashville, Tennessee
Rev. Carol Prochaska, Retired pastor, United Church of Canada, Nelson, British Columbia
Rev. Carolyn Reed, Associate Regional Minister, Geist Christian Church, Indianapolis, Indiana
Rev. Nick Larson, Minister, Broadway Christian Church, Columbia, MO
Brittany King, Marketing Associate, Light of the World, Indianapolis, IN
Debi G Mitchell, Tempe Christian Community Church, Tempe, AZ
Luci, DoC-Broadway Christian Church, Columbia, Missouri
Patricia Baker, Community Christian Church, Tempe, Arizona
Rev. Don and Alice Jane Lanier, Retired Disciple pastor and wife, Broadway Christian Church, Columbia, Mo
Rev. Daniel Lyvers, Associate Minister, Heart of the Rockies Christian Church (DOC), Fort Collins, CO
Dr. Kimberly Wilburn, Plymouth Creek Christian Church, Plymouth, MN
Krysia R. Gonzalez, child volunteer, First Christian Church, Tucson, Arizona
Elizabeth, Knox Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, OH
Deborah Shannon, Broad Street Christian Church, New Bern, North Carolina
Al Powers, Chair of Trustees, First Christian, DeLand, FL
Billie Lynch, Board member of HELM, First Christian Church (DoC), Daytona Beach, FL
Cheryl Pease, Harvard Avenue Christian Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Ms. Judy Krase, Ankeny Christian Church, Ankeny, IA
Rev. Brenda Harris, Clinical Chaplain, Broad Street Christian Church, New Bern, North Carolina
Mr. Michael Readinger, President & CEO, The Council for Health 7 Human Service Ministries, UCC, Cleveland, OH
Rev. Jason Butterick, Pastor, Prairie Avenue Christian Church, Decatur, IL
Dr. Alan Lobaugh, Minister, Azle Christian Church, Fort Worth, TX
Ms. Bonnie Van Zandt, Lakeside United Church of Christ, Maineville, OH
Christina Bilyeu, Lakeview UCC, Maineville, OH
Gayle A. Gengenbach, East Lincoln Christian Church, Lincoln,, NE
Mrs. Lauren Skipper, Deacon, Royal Palm Christian Church, Coral Springs,, Florida
Rev. Kim Gage Ryan, Co-Director/Pastor, Bethany Fellows, Columbia, MO
Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins, Former General Minister and President, Bethany Memorial CC, Bethany, WV
Lillie Wiggins, Alameda Christian Church, Nashville, TN
Jackie Thiry, St. Matthew Catholic church, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Rev. Doug Stokes, Gordon Street Christian Church, Kinston, NC
Glenna With, Elder, Liberty Christian Church, Newnan, Georgia
Roger With, President of the Georgia Men’s Commission, Liberty Christian Church, Newnan, Georgia
Rajcoomarie Tumeshwar, Coral Springs, Florida
Rev. Jonathan Cahill, , Cleveland, Ohio
Horace Williams, Mt Pleasant CC, Greensboro, N C
Ms. Millie Magner, , Seattle, Washington
Rev. Rick Frost, Senior Minister (retired), Broadway Christian Church, Columbia, MO
Rev. Pamela Yost Mason, West Street Christian Church, Tipton, IN
Rev. Brenda G.Warren, Beaumont, Tx
Dr. Ann W Nichols, Elder, First Christian Church Tucson, Tucson, AZ
Willis Jackson, Deacon, First Christian Church, Tucson, Arizona
Jean Jackson, Elder, First Christian Church, Tucson, AZ
Douglas L Price, North Middletown Christian Church, LEXINGTON, KY
Ms. Christine K Butler, Greentree Community Church, St. Louis, Missouri
Dr. Barbara Henthorn, Elder Emeritus, First Christian, Edmond, Oklahoma
Rev. Michael Schmidt, Pastor, Nebraska City First Christian, Nebraska City, Nebraska
Rev. Martha Jolly, Columbia, MO
Rev. Brian S. Kirk, Lead Pastor, First Christian, St. Joseph, Missouri
Mrs. Cheryl Roy, Pine Valley Christian Church, Wichita, KS
Rev. Sarah Stephenson, Children’s Pastor, Brentwood Christian Church, Springfield, MO
James w. Martin, Retired, Royal palm Christian church, coral springs, Florida
Rev. Dr. Phil Snider, Senior Minister, Brentwood Christian Church, Springfield, MO
Marcia Phillips, Central Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN
Ann Hyman, First Christian Church of Gainesville, FL, Gainesville, FL
Carolyn Cannon Litke, University Christian Church, DeLand, FL
Rev. Dawn Rosignol, Sr. Minister, Monte Vista Christian Church, Albuquerque, NM
Rev. Terry Overfelt, Pastor, Broadway Christian Church Disciples of Christ, Columbia, MO
Rev. Diane Spleth, Senior Minister, Allisonville Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN
Rev. Joseph Pusateri, Senior Pastor, First Christian Church, Danville, KY
Rev. Dr., Jay C. Treat, Marple Christian Church, Broomall, PA
Mrs. Loralee Cooley, Attending, Monte Vista Christian (Disciples) & La Mesa Presbyterian, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Rev. Patricia Hatfield, Boston, MA
Doug, Elder, Mantua Center Christian Church, Mantua Center, Ohio
Rev. Jenny Wynn, Minister, First Christian Church, Scottsdale, AZ
Rev. Stephen Cumming, Minister of Music, First Christian Church, Waxahachie, Texas
Rev. Jacqueline Morgan, Central Christian Church, Terre Haute, IN
Rev. Dr. James R Ryan, Exec. Dir. Colorado Council of Churches, Retired, Lakewood Christian Church, Littliton, Colorado
De Trautman, Board Chair, Webster Groves Christian Church, St. Louis, MO
Rev. amos acree RN, Retired, East Aurora Christian Church, DEPEW, NY
Jacqueline Myers, First Christian Church, Virdet, Illinois
Rev. Rebecca Sundquist, Minister, Highland, IN
Sandra Langley, First Christian Church, Kerrville, TX
Mrs. Linda, First Christian Church Disciples of Christ, Jacksonville, FL
Mrs. Nina, Cairn Christian,, Lafayette, CO
Jonathan Sigler, Highlands Ranch, CO
Carol Poore, member, Cairn Christian Church, Lafayette, CO
Re. Dr. Christine Isham, Chaplain, First Christian Church Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Charles Cole, Johns Creek Christian Church, Johns Creek, GA
Phyllis B. Cole, Johns Creek Christian Church, Johns Creek, GA
Rev. Baylee Smith, First Christian Church, Greensboro, NC
Rev. Michael Cook, Pastor, First Christian Church, Lompoc, California
Rev Dr, Beth Gerardy, Retired, Member Southern Hills Christian Church, Edmond, Oklahoma
Rosanna Keirn, Elder, First Christian Church, Bellefontaine, OH
Kathryn Ioannides, Elder, Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Denver, CO
Allison Vincent, Boise, ID
Leslie Denton, West Mesa Christian Church, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Rob, The Welcome Table Christian Church, Arlington, TX, Arlington, TX
Linda B Eagle, Columbia, MO
Dr. Donna & Marv Leroux, Foothills Christian Church (DOC), Phoenix, Arizona
Allison Vincent, Boise, ID
Rev. Dr. Tyler and Carolyn Soine, Retired, Tempe Community Christian Church, Tempe, Arizona
Richard Hall, Community Christian Church, Manchester, MO
Rev. Cheryl Sybrant, Associate Pastor, First Christian Church, Fayetteville, AR
Rev. Dawn Remster, Senior minister, First Christian Church, Zanesville, OH
Rev. David Christman, Associate Minister to Children and Youth, First Christian Church, Tyler, Texas
Bob Einert, Boulder, CO
Jody Mason, Member, Cairn Christian Church, Lafayette, CO
Rev. Steven Gower, Pastor, First Christian Church of Massillon, Massillon, Ohio
Carrie Broadwell-Tkach, Elder, Cairn Christian Church, Lafayette, CO
Anastasia Tobin, Eugene, OR
Mrs. Laura, First Christian Church, Eugene, Oregon
Rev. Ginger Brandt, First Christian Church, Tyler, TX
Rev. Eileen KunZ, Moderator Christian Church in NE, East Lincoln Christian Church, Lincoln, Nebraska
LaDonna Hopkins, Albuquerque, NM
Heather Avens, Cairn Christian Church, Lafayette, CO
Rev. Shaye Champ-Correll, Associate Pastor, Cairn Christian Church, Lafayette, CO
Rev. Lise Hildebrandt, Interim Priest, Church of the Holy Spirit, Fall River, MA
Rev. Dr. Barb Wilkins-Crowder, Member, Cairn Christian Church, Lafayette, Colorado
Rev. Sara Steenhouse, Vallejo, California
Rev. Dr. Charisa Hunter-Crump, Senior Minister, Cairn Christian Church, Lafayette, CO
Jerilyn Consla, Elder, Deltona Christian Church, Deltona, Florida
Rev. Chris Cash, Senior Minister, First Christian Church, Georgetown, KY
Rev. Kristin Jack, Minister to Families, Central Christian Church, Waco, Texas
Janene Suggs, Heights Christian, Houston, Texas
Jeanne Sommer, Springfield, IL
Rev. Laura Baird, Pastor, First Christian, Medina, Oh
Rev. Linda Coppinger, Retired, First Christian Church, Jeffersonville, Indiana
Jennifer Kerr Hale, Ridglea Christian Church, Fort Worth, TX
Crystal Johnson, Youth Ministry Leader, Missiongathering, San Diego, California
Rev. Christine Bandy-Helderman, Senior/Lead Minister, Tropical Sands Christian Church, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Rev. DaWanna Rivera Lopez, Pastor, First Christian Church, Sparta, TN
Mr. Gary Adams, First Christian Church, Ft. Thomas, Kentucky
Sandra K King, Deacon, First Christian Church, Tacoma, WA
Lisa Nolte, Hurst Christian Church, Hurst, Tx
Jeanette Sanchez and Sam Izenman, First Christian Church, Tacoma, Washington
Ronnie Wilson, South Hills Christian Church, Fort Worth, TX
Rev. Carolyn Roper-Fowlkes, Healthcare Chaplain, Eureka, Il
Rev. Anne James, Palliative Care Social Worker Highland Hospital, Lafayette Christian Church (DOC), San Leandro, California
Ms. Alice Price, Royal Palm Christian Church, Coral Springs, FL
Julie Kreft, Elementary School Librarian, First Christian Church, Norman, OK
Rev. Susan Payne, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Rev. Dr. Laurie Pound Feille, Senior Pastor, First Christian Church and Disciples Public Presence, Minneapolis, MN
Scott and Meagan Jacoby, First Christian Church, Smithville, MO
Susan, Member, First Christian Church of Stow, Stow, Ohio
Rev. Leslie Dotson, Transformational Minister, First Christian Church, Ardmore, Ok
Rev. Lydia Land, Minister, Philippi Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Deltaville, Virginia
Rev. David Hargrave, Interim Regional Connection Minister, Christian Church in the Southwest, Fort Worth, TX
Shelby Lewis, Eastwood Christian Church, Nashville, Tennessee
Rev. Alyssa Spradlin, Associate minister, Springfield, MO
Shawna Bodine, Youth Leader, First Christian Church DOC, Lansing, MI
Zoe Tupts, SECC, Lexington, KY
Rev. Kelley Becker, Senior Minister, Disciples Christian Church, Bartlesville, OK
Glennys Sabuco, Granger Christian Church, West Valley City, UT
Rev, David Ramos, Pastor, Tercera Iglesia Cristiana, New York, NY
Mrs. Jane Vencill, Cedar Bluff, Virginia
Lori Southard Howe, First Christian Church, Adel, Iowa
Rev. Pat Sutherlin, Enid, Oklahoma
Amber Fields, Foothills Christian Disciples of Christ, Glendale, Arizona
Mrs. Christie Lancaster, National Avenue Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Springfield, Mo
Liliana Alvarez, First United Church of Tampa, Tampa, FL
Rev. Mindy Kiepe, Fulton, MO
Ashlyn Reynolds, First Christian Church, Bedford, Indiana
Rev. Brittany Barber, Minister, Waukesha, WI
Bob and Holly Yowler, Bedford Christian Church (DOC), Bedford, Kentucky
Rev. Belva Brown Jordan, Moderator of the Christian Church (DOC), Downey Memorial Christian Church, Claremont, United States
Rev. Allison Drake, Associate Minister, Dallas, Texas
Julia Moore, Montagnard American Alliance Church, St Paul’s Christian Church, Raleigh, NC
Joyce King, Member, First Christian Church, Bellefontaine, Ohio
Mrs. Laurie Stillwell, Member, South Hills Christian Church, Fort Worth, TX
Rev. Dr. Judith K Jones, Cassel, California
Janet Staicoff, Community Christian Church, Manchester, Mo
Rev. Jacqueline Morgan, Central Christian Church, Terre Haute, Indiana
The Rev Dr. Fred Clarke, Pastor, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Charleston, SC
Rev. Rochelle Richards, Pastor, Sumner First Christians Church, Sumner, WA
Robert Wham, Lake Washington Christian Church, Kirkland, Washington
Rev. Kevin Deibert, Pastor, Cadiz Christian Church (KY), Cadiz, Ky
Rev. Kelly Gindlesberger, Shelton Memorial Christian Church, ULYSSES, KANSAS
Winston Turner, Central Christian Church, Indianapolis, Indiana
Rev. Dr. Deborah A Phelps, Pastor, New Union Christian Church, Versailles, KY
Larry Mattes, Board chairman, Central Christian Church, Washington, Indiana
Helen Smith, Deaconate, First Christian Church, Rockwall, TX
Rev. Rev. Susan Ellis, Minister, North Side Christian Church, Omaha, Nebraska
Bonnie Dickson, Elder, Hillside Christian Church, Kansas City, MO
Rev., Stephanie Moon, Minister, North Middletown Christian Church, North Middletown, KY
Rev., Tamalyn Kralman, Associate Pastor, First Christian Church, Bellingham, WA
Rev, Roger McKinney, Pastor, Disciples Christian Church, Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Rev., Kathy Reinger, retired, First Christian Church, Wilmington, NC
Vickie DeShazer, Jeffersontown Christian Church, Louisville, KY
Ms. Vickie Keeling-Wallace, Christian, retired counselor, Broadway Christian Church, Columbia, MO
Dr. Margaret B. Puckett, Professor of Child Development (retired), University Christian Church, Fort Worth, Texas
Rev. Carla Ficke, Retired DOC Chaplain, Parkview UCC, Denver, CO
Faye & Mike Smith, Members, Disciples of Christ, Guyton, GA
Rev. Allie Lundblad, Pastor, Christian Church of Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights, IL
Sheila Blandford, Middletown Christian, Louisville, KY
Mrs. Phyllis Blackwood, First Christian, Neosho, MO
Rev. Marcus and Wanda Adams, Pastor, Mt. Olivet Christian Church (DOC), Baltimore, Maryland
Rev. Sharon I, Gouwens, Thetford Center, VT
Kathleen A. Meyer, Allisonville Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN
Mr. Roy H Nickum, Overland Park Christian Church, OVERLAND PARK, KS
Rev. Timothy Shipe, Welcome Table Christian Church, Seattle, WA
Carla Chance, Member, Crittenden Christian Church, Crittenden, KY
Rev. Joel Aurand, Pastor, Hawk Point Community Church, Hawk Point, Mo
Ms. Connie Hogle, CLCC, Cherry Log, GA
Allison Mezzera, First Christian Church, Vallejo, CA
Cindy Coble, Member, Allisonville Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN
Rev. Mark Miller-McLemore, Associate Professor, Vanderbilt Divinity School, Brentwood, TN
Alton (Al) Waller, Elder, Swope Parkway United Christian Church (DOC), Kansas City, MO
Rev. Shelly Shepherd, San Diego, CA
Linda and Butch Glass, First Christian (DOC), Georgetown, KY
Nancy Powers, First Christian Church, DeLand, Florida
Carolyn Cannon Litke, University Christian Church, Fort Worth, Texas
Kimberly Sommerville, Church member, First Christian (Disciples of Christ), Bowling Green, KY
Lynette Alcorn, United Christian Church, Austin, Tx
Renee Hoemann, First Christian Church, Bellingham, Washington
Marsha Webster, Zionsville Christian Church (DOC), Zionsville, IN
Rev. Rebecca Zelensky, Minister, Central Christian Church, Terre Haute, IN
Mr. Carl Cordes, First Christian of Vallejo, Vallejo, CA
Rev. Rita Cordell, Pastor, First Christian Church (DOC), Laurens, IA
Ed Ramsey, Elder Emeritus, First Christian Church, Madisonville, KY
Dr. Edmund C. Short, Central Christian Church, Orlando, FL
Mrs. Kathleen Traylor Sink, Member, First Christian (DOC), WINSTON-SALEM, NC
Rev. Rebecca Sumner, Pastor, Welcome Table Christian church, Seattle, WA
Rev. Dr. Lanny C. Lawler, Interim Pastor, First Christian Church, Kokomo, IN
Rev. Paul A. Hagedorn, Tabernacle Lutheran Church, Philadelphia, PA
Joy Pendry, Sandersville, Georgia
Judy Meneghin, Murray Hills Christian Church (DOC), Beaverton, OR
Trudi Ellison-Kendall, Elder, North Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Columbus, IN
Rev. Doris Beckerman, Regional Elder, Wabash Cluster, CCIW, FCC, Mt. Carmel, IL
Rev. Andrew Bear, San Jose, CA
Steven Osborne, Deacon, North Middletown Christian Church, North Middletown, KY
Pastor Kega Nasios, Pastor in residence, Ktizo UCC, Phoenix, AZ
Mrs. Janice Rockwell, Elder, Chair of Christian Action & Outreach, First Christian Church, Macomb, Illinois
Rev Dr. Warren Sapp, Pastoral Psychotherapist (AAPC Fellow), Broadway Christian Church / Bethel Church (ABCUSA), Columbia, MO
Mindy Hamm, member, Central Christian Church, Indianapolis, Indiana
Ms. Sandy Reynolds, The Table, Knoxville, TN
Rev. Dr. Russ Peterman, Senior Minister, University Christian Church, Fort Worth, TX
Rev. Randall Hill, Pastor, First Christian Church, Smith Center, KS
Rev. Mitch Becker, First Christian Church of Antelope Valley, Lancaster, California
Ms. Kathy Siperly, Elder, Disciples of Christ Church, 1st Christian Church, Rock Falls, IL
Kay Van Dorn, First Christian Church, Lexington, TX
Marsha Davidson, United Memorial Christian Church, Euless, TX
David L. Wallace, Broadway Christian Church, Columbia, MO
Rev. Carol Spencer, Fort Worth, Texas
Rev. Tim Bobbitt, Senior Minister, First Christian Church, Alexandria, Virginia
Judy Singleton, Central Christian, Washy, IN
Marjorie S Yuill, Member, 1st Christian Church, Carbondale, IL
Lynn R. Ditto, Retired, Pagosa Springs, CO
Rev. Helen Hempfling, Bloomington, Indiana
Megan Proffitt, SouthPointe Christian Church, Lincoln, NE
Rev. Bill Shive, Retired, Tapestry Ministries, Berkeley, CA
David Boger, Compton Heights Christian Church, Saint Louis, Missouri
Jim, Community Christian Church, Kansas City, MO
Jennifer Force, Executive Administrator, Central Rocky Mountain Region, Christian Church (DOC), Denver, CO
Mr. Timothy Kirk, Connection Christian/First Christian Church of Odessa, Odessa, TX
Polly McLean, University Christian Church, Austin, TX
Loretta Blanks, First Christian Church, Washington, NC
James Long, Member, Church for our Common Home, San Diego, CA
Rev. Janet Given, Senior Minister, South Street Christian Church, Springfield, MO
Rev. Dr. Jay C. Treat, Marple Christian Church, Broomall, PA
Rev., David Digby, Retired clergy, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Ames, IA
Rev. Hollie, Minister, Seventh Street Christian Church, Richmond, VA
Mary Lee Brooks Parrott, Cocoa, FL
Rev. Joy Majied, Pastor, Garfield Memorial Christian Church DOC), McLean, Virginia
Rev. Katie Sexton, Executive Director, Arizona Faith Network, Phoenix, AZ
Karen Hori, Los Angeles, CA
Rev. Dr. Darren Phelps, FCC, Melbourne, Florida
Janice Martin, Open Table Christian Church, Murfreesboro, TN
Rev. Dr. Judy Alston, Woodland Christian Church, Columbus, OH
Rev. Dr. Douglas Garner, Senior Pastor, Central Christian Church, Billings, Montana
Pastor Micheal K. Carlson, Pastor, Central Christian Church, Boone, Iowa
Rev. Dianna Clark, Senior Pastor, Elmwood Christian Church, Elmwood, NE
Cheryl A. Poynter, Deacon, Centennial Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Saint Louis, Missouri
Rosemary Campbell, Cairn Christian Church, Lafayette, Colorado
Ms. Jackie, Venice, FL
Rev. Brett Winters, Raymore Christian Church, Raymore, Mo
Rev. Clint Collins, pastor, First Christian Church, Bremerton, WA
Rev. Dr. Donald K. Gillett, II, Senior Pastor, East Second Street Christian Church, Lexington, KY
Kay Lowe-Wendling, Cairn Christian Church, DOC, Lafayette, Colorado
Debra Gardner, First Christian Church, Fort Worth, TX
Kathleen Holmson, Member, Hood River Valley Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Hood River, OR
Ms. Terry LeRud, First Christian Church, Tacoma, WA
Rev. Dr. Mandye Yates, Senior Pastor, First Christian Church, Fullerton, CA
Rev. Randall Hill, Pastor, First Christian Church, Smith Center, KS
Rev. Tim Graves, Lead Pastor, Albany First Christian Church, Albany, OR
Rev., John Bowers, Minister, Hurst Christian, Hurst, TX
Mrs., Sue Fettchenhauer, member, First Christian Church, Bloomington, Indiana
Rev., Michael Junkroski, Sr. Pastor, The Current: FCC Naples, Naples, Fl
Ms. Connie Burgan, Addison, IL
Elizabeth Brown, South Elkhorn Christian Church, Lexington, Kentucky
Dr. Frederick J. Nelson, President and Outreach Chair, First Christian Church, Alexandria, VA
Christina Johnson, Kemper Road Christian Church, Cincinnati, OH
Connie Myers, Bloomington, IN
Minister Deborah Clark, Associate Minister, First Christian, Stuart, Virginia
Ms. Judith Olmsted, First Christian Ch. (DoC), Bloomington, IN
Rev. Beckie Linn Gregory, Interim Pastor, Mt. Healthy Christian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
Charles Haseman, Cairn Christian Church, Louisville, CO
Mr. Bradley, Montano, Central Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Rev. Dr. J. Michael McMahon, Executive Director, The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada, National City Christian Church, Washington, DC
Dr. Cynthia Neville, Valley Christian Church, Mountain Brook, AL
Lynsey Johnson, Cranberry Twp, PA
Nora Allen, The View Christian Church, Portland, OR
Sarah Campbell Drury, Elder/Member, Woodmont Christian Church, Nashville, TN
Rev. Paul Appleby, Senior Minister, First Christian Church McKinney, McKinney, TX
Jane Parker, Member, Greenville, NC
Rev. Dr. Bradley Henderson, Senior Pastor, Grace Christian Church, Helena, Alabama
Sage Appleby, First Christian Church of McKinney, Allen, TX
Rev. FRITS HAVERKAMP, Pastor, Northside Christian Church, Knoxville, TN
Rev. Ben Hitzfeld, Pastor, First Christian Church, Manhattan, KS
Ms. Francine Inslee, Retired, Community of Christ, Tulalip, WA
Mrs. Rebecca Brown Smith, Lay Leader, Medford First Christian Church, Medford, OR
Mrs. Jessica L. Norcross, Tabernacle Christian Church, Franklin, IN
Christy Brown, Member/Stephen Minister, Woodmont Christian Church, Nashville, TN
Mrs. Paula Reeder, Elder, Ghent Christian Church, Akron, Ohio
Rev. Sharon Waters, Pastor, Zion Christian Church, Maurertown, VA
Rev. Tonja Gerardy, Minister, North Christian Church, Columbus, IN
Linda Siegwald, Chair of the Elders, Foothills Christian Church, Glendale, AZ
Rev. Hollie Woodruff, Minister, Seventh Street Christian Church, Richmond, VA
Caroline Drury, Woodmont Christian Church, Nashville, TN
Rev. Lory Hunt, Minister, Central Christian Church, Nocona, Texas
Donna Snider, Board Member, First Christian Church (DOC), Irving, TX
Rev. Kathryn Menser, Chaplain serving in Pensacola, FL, First Christian, Pensacola, FL
Ms. Norma Carolyn, First Christian Church, Tacoma, Washington
Rev. Dr. John H Bennett, Retired clergy/Elder Emeritus, First Christian Church, Jefferson City, Missouri
Mrs. Lou Ann Millett, Mission Ministry Team, West Street Christian, Tipton, IN
Charles Cole, Johns Creek Christian Church, Johns Creek, GA
Rev. Hannah Ryan, Associate Minister, Olivet Christian Church, Columbia, MO
Tesslyn Mustain, Kingwood Christian Church, Kingwood, Texas
Mr. Gary Brown, Member, Highland Christian Church/Disciples of Christ, Bella Vista, AR
Paige Martin, Kingwood Christian Church, Kingwood, TX
Jami Knight, Olivet Christian Church, Columbia, Missouri
Reverend Dr. Franshonn Salter, Lead Pastor, Anew Church, Chicago, Illinois
Rev. Dr. Terrye Williams, Interim Minister, First Christian Church, Nowata, OK
Marilynn Knott, Retired Social Worker/Pastor, Crown Heights Christian, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Rev. Mary Lu Johnston, Executive Director, Reach Beyond Mission, Austin, Texas
Rev. Jana Quisenberry, Minister, Brightwood Christian Church, Pittsburgh, PA
Ron Matthews, First Christian Church, Ames, Iowa
Rev. Peggy Edge, Community Regional Minister, Houston, TX
Lori Taylor Valleroy, Olivet Christian Church, Columbia, Missouri
Rev. Christopher McCreight, Minister, Hiram Christian Church, Hiram, Ohio
David L Theel, Pastor, First Christian Church, Spearman, TX
Ms. Mary Wolfskill Ybarra, Office Administrator, FCC-Olympia, First Christian Church, Olympia, WA
Ms. Sandra Kelsey, United Christian Church, Levittown, PA
Evelyn Nickerson, Elder, First Christian Church, Gulfport, Mississippi
Rev. Wesley Knight, Sr. Pastor, Pastor, Columbia, MO
Rev. Chris Furr, Senior Minister, Covenant Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Cary, NC
Rev. Katherine Raley, Advancement Associate, Lexington Theological Seminary, Lexington, KY
Dr. Ed Linberg, Retired Disciples Pastor, First Christian Church, Fullerton, CA
Rev. Al Beasley, Pastor, First Christian Church, Globe, AZ
Hiatt Allen, Disciples Divinity House Scholar at the University of Chicago, Crestwood Christian Church, Lexington, KY
Marcia Muster, Hiram Christian Church, Hiram, OH
Ms. Melody A Hobson, Bethany Christian Church, Lincoln, NE
Rev. Dr. Christy Newton, Senior Minister, First Christian Church (DOC), Vallejo, California
Claire Wiegand, Grace Disciples of Christ, Mandeville, La
Edward Martinez, Teacher, Church of Christ, Houston, TX
Rev. Jose M Matos-Hernandez, Pastor, Iglesia Cristiana (Discípulos de Cristo) en Cabo Rojo, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico
Rev. James Westmoreland, Pastor, Baskett Christian Church, Baskett, Kentucky
William R. Gardner, First Christian Church, APPOMATTOX, VA
Rev. Kevin Arensman, Pastor, Red Rock Christian Church, Boise, ID
Andy Elliott, Process Engineering Leader, First Christian Church, Newton, IA, Newton, IA
Mr. Andrew Thomas, Unity Christian Church, Radford, VA
Amber Elliott, Operations Manager, Christian Conference Center, First Christian Church, Newton, IA
Michelle Varner, First Christian Church, Corvallis, OR
Heath Jones, Northwood Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN
Karen M. Barrett, Deacon, Mills Grove Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Oakland, CA
Mrs. Mary Lynn Fothergill, Elder, Rocky Mount Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Rocky Mount, Virginia
Rev. Kathy Bryant, Retired, Interim Minister, Anthem, Arizona
Rev. Annell George-McLawhorn, Member, Winterville Christian Church, Winterville, NC
Rev. Donna L Oberkreser, Central Christian Church, Clearwater, FL
Rev. Ana B Eivera-Acevedo, Capellana, Escuela Interamericana San Germán, San German, Puerto Rico
Brenda Harris, Deacon, Madison Heights Christian Church, MADISON HEIGHTS, VA
Linda Rehfuss, elder, First Christian (Disciples of Christ), Covington, Ky.
Rev. John Longard, Retired DOC pastor, First Christian Church, Covington, KY
Jim Hopkins, First Christian Church, Covington, Kentucky
Matt Thomas, Xenia, Ohio
Hilde Baldridge, First Christian Church, Covington, KY
Sterling Staggs, Jr., Elder, First Christian Church, Covington, Kentucky
Katherine Catlin, Raytown Christian Church, Raytown, MO
Theresa Lee, Elder, First Christian Church, Kent, Washington
Pastor Kega Nasios, Ktizo UCC, Phoenix, AZ
Dr. Roger Wedell, Chairman of the Board, Midway Hills Christian, Dallas, TX
Apostle Sharyn Cosby, Founder and Senior Servant, In the Spirit Christian Church, Tulsa, OK
Charlene Bowling, First Christian Church, Covington, KY
Lizmari M. Collazo, Administrative Assistant, First Christian Church of Ames, Ames, Iowa
Rev. Suzanne Motter, Minister to Children, Youth and Families, Community Christian Church, Kansas City, MO
Jon Feaver, First Christian Church Coralville, Coralville, IA
Rev. Owen Cayton, Ankeny Christian Church, Ankeny, IA
Marjorie Flowers, First Christian Church, Owensboro, KY
Linda P. Wassenich, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Martha L. Johnson, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Paul D. Johnson, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Lisa Bonn, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Kari Brown, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Hannah Curran, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Andrea Yarborough, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Gary Springer, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Ronald Glynn Durham, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Cathy Parker, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Peggyt Van Wannik, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Carol John, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Madeline Cotton, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Elaine Manworren, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
John C. Viola, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Mary Ann Viola, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Sandra Redick, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Valerie Cunningham, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Gay Gilmore, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Clayton Cunningham, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Jan Sullivan, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
James Lackey, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Margaret Dowdey, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Mary Ludwick, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Bill Caporan, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Sara Leslie, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Ean Sullivan, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
John H. Leslie, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Mark Wasseneich, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Jerry S. Parks, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Jeffry Bogut, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
S. Baker, Midway Hills Christian Church, Dallas, TX
Jenny Grill, St. Eugene Catholic Mission, Tallahassee, FL
Mary Anstice, Administrative Assistant, CCINVA Regional Office, Lynchburg, VA
Angela Rutquist, Member, United Church of Canada, Pitt Meadows, British Columbia
Rev. Renee Bridwell, Regional Minister, Christian Church in Kansas, Wichita, KS
Dr. Jenny S. Tripses, member, First Christian Church, Peoria, Illinois
Rev. Dr. MARVIN L MORGAN, Interim Sr. Pastor, St. John United Church of Christ, Collinsville, IL
Janice Martin, Open Table Christian Church, Murfreesboro, TN
Rick Abbott, Rochester, IN
Favio F Miranda-Aldarondo, Member, Iglesia Cristiana Discípulos de Cristo, Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Rev. Tim Trussell-Smith, Senior Minister, First Christian Church, Tuscaloosa, AL
Barbara Lancaster, First Christian Church, Helena, MT
Rev. Kristin Galle, Interim Senior Minister, University Christian Church, Austin, TX
Rev. Monica Wedlock Kilpatrick, Director of Organizational Development, National Benevolent Association, Conyers, Georgia
Jasmine Sanchez, Administrative Assistant, Light of the World, Indianapolis, Indiana
Rev. Dr. Louis Threatt, Prison Chaplain, Orange Correction Center, Hillsborough, NC
Minta Colburn
I very much support this statement, although I’m not sure you are seeking signatures from people without titles or positions.
Cherilyn Williams
Minta – We very much want signatures from all Disciples who wish to agree with this position. We simply were able to solicit some of the leaders quickly before posting. Please add your name if you wish.
Josephine Manns
The majority of us in America do not agree to how you are being treated. I am so sorry that you and your children have been separated, and pray for you daily. No human being should be treated as you have been. Be assure there are people who are working on your behalf. Keep faith and know things will change for the better.
Sherrill M Morris
Thank you so much for beginning the so-very-important discussion. My belief is that it is not enough to make the detention centers hygienic and less crowded, we must change the process so they are not needed. It is a human right to ask for asylum and legal as well. I work with Honduran and Guatemalan families who have come out of detention with their children and been bussed to Denver for assistance in their processing and moving on towards final landing with their sponsor families around the country. God’s work, our hands, as our ELCA sibs would say. These experiences, the stories I have listened to have left me a changed person and I pray Rev. Dr. Hord Owens will be on the border with Repairers of the Breach at the end of the month, so she can bring the stories back to us, the DOC Church at large.
William Rose-Heim
Signing this important letter is a good step. It cannot be our last. Moving from the current moral chaos will require far more from each of us as disciples of Jesus Christ. It is no accident that we are alive in this moment in history and nurtured and prepared carefully over the years in the Church. God has more faith in us than we will ever have in God or in one another. I pray that I/we continue to honor that faith and keep on finding the courage and the will to sacrifice certainty, comfort and control for the sake of advancing the cause of Christ. Si se puede. YES WE CAN!
Rev Sharon Cantrell
I think I signed up but do not see my name. How do we make sure.
Cherilyn Williams
We will be making updates periodically throughout the next few days, so if you don’t see it by Friday, please resubmit.
Cindy Wallace
Prayers for the separated families, the sick children and our very souls. Lord, have mercy
Pastor Julio Barquero
Es hora de convergencia nacional.
Rose stucchio
Jesus wept
Magdala Gue-Alabre
May God delivers them!!! And may he open the heart of those in power to have mercy for those in needs
D. Kent Deubner
Thank you.
Kega Nasios
It is so important that we follow the example of Jesus, and stand for those who are injured spiritually, physically, and mentally. We must continue to fight oppression everywhere we find it, not only with our words but those words into action. All human beings are children of the Creator and there is only one race; the human race!
Karen Sarabia
Sign me in, please God bless!
Christin Miller
Let us not forget Jesus spent time in a foreign land as a child.
Dr. Marla K. BANKS
This is such a sad time, and I’m praying for the immigrants.
Rev. Michael Schmidt Nebraska City First Christian Church Nebraska City Nebeaska
I do not see how any person can oppose helping children
Melody Keazer
Kenneth Oswald, Seminary Student, Winebrenner Theological Seminary, FCC Tiffin, Ohio
May we continue in prayer for all the oppressed.
Julie Logan
Christ’s strength be with them.
April Rollins
Keep families together!!!!
Angela G Johnson
Families should not be separated. As I learn more about this issue at General Assembly, I feel more strongly about it.
Andrea Rainier
Let the children come to me
Bill Shive
Whole-heartedly support this.
Sandra Cowan
So proud of my church!!!!!
Meg Knol-Digby
may justice and mercy prevail!
Dean Rockwell
I can not believe that this is allowed to continue in our country.
Janice Rockwell
This behavior is deplorable.
Justin Moore
Thank you for speaking out!
Beth Davis
Please protect and honor the least among us.
Rev. Cheryl Breiner
Thank you, church for addressing this.
Sylvia H. Hodges
Thank you very much.
Kevin Deibert
Recently changed church’s/ Please add me (my new info.) to the signatory list. I hope more from the congregation will follow.
Bob Yowler
There are no borders in natural geography, nor in God’s love. We MUST SHARE the abundance of what we, each of us AND in community, have.
Stop searching for ways to separate people.
Let families be reunited and allowed into our country. We need them as much as they need us.
Joan Fuller
Matthew 25:40-45 Truly I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.
Janet Chalif
Very much support this statement. It is what Jesus would say.
Grace Williams
Prayers for peace